Mezzo shoegazer mezzo noise rock americano, assim caminha o The Spirit of The Beehive em seu debute o barulhento álbum homônimo recém lançado independentemente pela Ranch.
Disquinho com cara de anos noventa, e não é pouca não, durante as onze pedradas e seus mais de quarenta minutos o Spirit of the Beehive revisita todas os subgêneros do rock alternativo da era de ouro, por vezes mais gritado e esporrentamente americano e já em outras mais climático e viajante exalando shoegazing o fato é que os caras mandaram um debute poderoso e coeso.
Pra se ouvir em alto e bom som.
***** Interview with The Spirit of The Beehive *****

Q. When did Spirit of the beehive starts, tell us about the history...
We started in March of this year. we all come from other bands but have played together in multiple projects for the past 5 years. we like each other v much.
Q: Who are your influences?
Prob all have different major influences. I'm mostly interested in recording things unexpectedly. gathered sounds, samples, layers etc. it's hard to not listen to bands you sound like but we try to step out of the comfort zone. I like sonic youth, no shame there. and the clean.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
sonic youth - washing machine
teenage fanclub - bandwagonesque
unwound - leaves turn inside you
the shaggs - philosophy of the world
swirlies - blonder tongue audio baton
Q. How do you fell playing live?
Nervous if I'm too high. stupid if I'm too drunk.
Q. How do you describe Spirit of the beehive sounds?
People say shoegaze. our shows are loud and heavy and may ruin the vibe.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
We recorded our lp over the course of three months with very short sessions. lots of re-writes. nothing was ever finished it seemed. was v excited when I heard the first mix.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
I don't know.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
Broadcast could be cool.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
Bontinue making records and hopefully tour for a very long time.
Q: Any parting words?
Thanks for taking interest in us. good luck to you all.
Thanks guys