Inicio dos 90´s e uma das bandas mais amadas da classica era do shoegazer sem duvida foi o Revolver do grande Mat Flint, Mollases, Heaven Send An Angel, Crimson, Venice são classicos, depois do fim do Revolver em 1994, Mat aventurou-se no Death in Vegas tocando baixo, e historias a parte o fato é que agora Mat voltou as origens guitarras a mão reuniu-se junto a seu irmão Simon Flint no baixo, Ian Button na bateria, Ped Bailey guitarra e Emma Bailey nos vocais e formaram o delicioso Deeo Cut, prediletissimo deste que vos escreve e inumeros outros aficcionados no noisepop shoegazer que Mat & Cia promovem. Depois do debut My Thoughts Light Fires chegou a vez do novíssimo Disorientation que chega para alçar o Deep Cut a brigar pelos melhores albuns do ano se o debut tinha Time to Kill o novo album tem Something´s Got to Give, impossível a canção não grudar em sua mente, e o TBTCI através do amigo Robin Allport do grande selo Club AC30 gravadora do Deep Cut, descolou uma daquelas que tornam-se desde já clássicas entrevistas aqui no TBTCI, afinal não é todo dia que Mat Flint da as caras por terras brasilis, então chega né, vamos lá, Mr. Mat Flint e seu delicioso Deep Cut:
***** Interview with Mat Flint - Deep Cut/Revolver/Death in Vegas *****

A. I was playing bass for Death In Vegas, and when they stopped touring in 2005 I really fancied having a go at doing some of my own songs again, although I didn't want to be the singer. I had been the singer/songwriter in Revolver before DIV, but now I just wanted to play guitar and write songs. So I started doing some demos at home with my brother, and when we'd got some tracks nearly finished, we started looking for a singer. We couldn't find anyone that worked, and one day Emma - my girlfriend - said that she wanted to have a go. It worked out really well, and we made 3 demos which we put up on Myspace. Robin from AC30 heard the tracks and said that we should come down and play at one of his club nights - so we had to get a band together, which we did. Ian, who was also in the Death in Vegas live band on guitar, joined us on drums, and Emma's brother Pad came in on guitar. We played some gigs, then recorded a single that Tim Holmes from DIV engineered, which AC30 put out, and it went on from there really - although we completely engineer and produce ourselves now.
Q: Who are your influences?
A. Suicide, Neu, Harmonia, Beatles, Velvets, 90s hip hop, MBV, Sonic Youth, Marychain, Primal Scream, Smiths, Stooges, MC5, Syd Barrett, Pistols, PIL, acid house and techno, dub reggae, the Byrds , Big Star, Flying Burrito Brothers. I could go on forever!
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
"Illmatic"- Nas
"The Notorious Byrd Brothers" - The Byrds
"Forever Changes" - Love
"Pet Sounds" - The Beach Boys
"Psychocandy" - the Jesus and Mary Chain
Q. How do you feel playing live?
A. We love it, although we don't get to do as many gigs as we would like to. Some of us have children, we all have full-time jobs, we don't all live near each other. So it's difficult to do long tours or anything like that. But we try to play as often as we can, and we get a really good buzz from it. We were rehearsing last night, actually, for our next gig on Wednesday. It's our album launch party.

A. 21st century psychedelic pop music; alternative guitar music with a twist.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the new album?
A. Me and Si (my brother) did the demos for it at my house, with Emma adding vocals whenever each track was finished. Then, when we had enough tracks for the album, we went into our rehearsal studio and recording the backing tracks - drums, bass and guide guitars, over 3 separate sessions. We then did all the overdubs either in our rehearsal studio, or in my living room, over a few months. We are lucky that our drummer, Ian, is a recording wizard - he's a genius engineer who knows Logic inside out, and knows how to mike things up properly to get the best sounds, and so on. So we did most of the overdubs and the mixing in my living room, we didn't need to go into the studio.
Q. What´s represents the shoegazer classic era to the band?
A. It depends how you're defining "shoegazer" - and it's not a term I use myself. But if I go with what I think you mean, it would be the period in late 1988-early 1989 when My Bloody Valentine went from being a really good indie band, to an absolutely fucking phenomenal group, the best band on the planet. The "You Made Me Realise" and "Feed Me With Your Kiss" EPs, and then the "Isn't Anything" album. I was lucky enough to see them loads of times through this period, it was extraordinary - and had a massive influence on everything I did afterwards.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A. Our best friends are in a band called the Real Sound, they will blow you away, if they ever get round to releasing anything! they've got songs that will blow your mind.

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
Bands covering us? I only think you should cover something if you think can do a radicallly different interpretation of it. I can't see the point A. of doing a similar version, which will never be as good. So I don't know, really. I always wanted to hear some cheesy pop singer to cover "Heaven Sent An Angel" by Revolver, and make me loads of money by having a massive hit!
Q: What´s the plans for future....
A. Well, our new album "Disorientation" is out next week. More gigs, then me and Si are doing some remixes, maybe some producing/mixing, then might do another single - an EP or something. Then start writing the next album. I might also play on a few people's records.
Q: Any parting words?
A. Check us out if you haven't heard us. You'll like it.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
A. Well, our new album "Disorientation" is out next week. More gigs, then me and Si are doing some remixes, maybe some producing/mixing, then might do another single - an EP or something. Then start writing the next album. I might also play on a few people's records.
Q: Any parting words?
A. Check us out if you haven't heard us. You'll like it.
Thanks Mat, thanks Robin!!!