Seguindo a trilha de bandas como Radio Dept. Moscow Olympics, Wild Nothing, os estadunidenses do Cres cen do, percorrem o adocicado e sútil caminho do dreampop, seu debute Lost Thoughts causou ótima repercussão nos meios iniciados e os credenciou para um belo line up acompanhando Be Forest e Tennis System agora em março no festival Dreamgaze, um belo início considerando as inúmeras bandas que surgem percorrendo estes caminhos, na verdade o diferencial é trilharem seguindo referências como Felt, Go-Betweens e os clássicos do perfect pop, se aproximando muito da sonoridade destes clássicos.
Lost Thoughts é uma delicioso passeio sem exageros pelos caminhos do perfect pop. Lindíssimo álbum.
***** Interview with Cres cen do *****

Q. When Did Crescendo started, tell us about the history:
Gregory: I worked with my producer & friend John Kunkel of The New Division in 2014 for 6 months to create what we know as our debut album "Lost Thoughts". October we set up the first west coast tour in the US, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Riverside etc, and continue to release our hearts and souls on stage by embodying the life of "Lost Thoughts" with our dream team:
Christopher Garcia - Drums Olive Kimoto - Synths Vocals Crystal Cercedes - Bass Vocals Jordan Matthew Kennedy - Lead Guitars Gregory Cole - Guitars Vocals
Not to mention our tour team:
Victor Casillas Valle - Manager Jorge Meza - Staff Photographer David Lopez - Staff Photographer Riccardo Lazcano - Tour Manager
Q. Who are your influences?
Chris: The Cribs, Arctic Monkeys, Matt Helder, The Drummer From The Mercury Program David.
Olive: Well The Radio Dept Obviously, Craft Spells, Lust For Youth, those main three as far as synths go for Crescendo.
Jordan: I would say Shout Out Louds, Whitest Boy Alive, also Jesus and Mary Chain. Gregory: The Radio Dept, The Smiths, Joy Division, The Cure, Wild Nothing, Craft Spells, The Bilinda Butchers, Minks, Daft Punk, Cut Off Your Hands, Moscow Olympics, My Bloody Valentine, Marble Arch, Deer Hunter, Mary Onettes, Another Sunny Day, Sarah Records, Field Mice, Beach Fossils, Housse De Racket, Million Young, The Cribs, The Horrors, The New Division, Cass Mccombs, Future Islands, Toro Y Moi, Yuck, Twin Sister, New Order, Girls, Vivian Girls more.
Q. Make A List of 5 Best Album of All Time:
Gregory: Which Radio dept, are we gonna choose?
Chris & Olive: Lesser Matters, Pet Grief?
Olive: But what about.... I like this past week EP though too...
Gregory: We can agree on agressive singles?
Chris: But thats everything?
Gregory: Idle Labor(Craft Spells), Cut The World(Moscow Olympics), Gemini(Wild Nothing)....
Jordan: Elliot Smith, Room On Fire by the strokes, Ambulance LTD self titled...
Gregory: I agree with that, loveless?
All: Yes loveless for sure.
The Radio Dept(Undecided), Craft Spells(Idle Labor), Moscow Olympics(Cut The World), Wild Nothing(Gemini), My Bloody Valentine(Loveless).
Q. How Do You Feel Playing Live?
Jordan: SF, the night light, los globos were pretty good. I really liked the night light.
All: yeah that was fun.
Chris: Greg and Jordan were in like a shamanic trance.
Olive: yeaaahhhh
Jordan: yeah everyone did good.
Olive: I really liked the Riverside show everyone was so nice and dancing
All: yeaahhhh
Greg: I do my best to embody the sound of the album and introduce it in combination of the life performance.
Q. How do you describe Crescendo's Sound?
Gregory: There's a lot of time travel, a lot of space travel. A lot of dance inspiring instrumentals. Nightmare life is particularly about having nightmares and liking them, because you dont mind a bad dream.
Chris: Its like falling in love, and also falling into a black hole at the same time.
Greg; Then songs like gatsby are meant to be therapeutic.
Jordan: I think its a train, not like a city train but a country wide train, its driving, its a movement. Then you fall asleep on some random person on the train.
Greg: then youre in the other room, because youre not sure yet, and you lost your thoughts, and then you become a sleeper.
Olive: It feels like a distant memory of like a party you went to.
Greg: Thats some party talk right there.
Olive: Just like great memories, nostalgic, it makes you feel electric.
All: I like that, like that.
Q. Tell us about the process about recording the songs:
Gregory: When working with John Kunkel of The New Division we were in the studio from january 2014 - june 2014 working every opportunity we had on the 11 songs and would start with the instrumentals first then add vocals, then mixed, then mastered song by song until we finally reached 11.
Q. Which new bands do you recommend:
Gregory: ooo Marble Arch.
All: Yeah!
Jordan: Mac demarco!
Gregory: hes not new dude.
Jordan: Hes new to me!
Chris: Viceroy!
Olive: Whirr, Tamaryn,
Gregory: King Krule!
Jordan: Hes not new.
Chris: Hes like 4 years old.
Olive: Pure X, Alex G from Orchid Tapes, Lust for youth, Ice Age, Trailor Park Tracys.
Jordan: I like Baewolf.
Q. Which band would you like to make a cover version:
Gregory: The Radio Dept
Chris: Think outside the box! Like Tiny Dancer!
Gregory: Joy Division, DISORDER.
All: Yeah.
Gregory: Moscow Olympics.
Jordan: I think 100 degrees by shout out louds i think wed do a great job.
Gregory: Whats that song we like by shout out louds? Hard Rain?
Jordan: yeah hard rain.
All: yeah thatd be good.
Olive: Uhm... Ive always wanted to do a cover version of loveless...but idk....
All: yeah. totally down.
Chris: you know what, that one allison cover we did of slowdive at practice
Olive: yeahhhhh
Jordan: whos allison?
Chris: some girl, she has a sister, her house is dirty.
Q. What are your plans for the future:
2nd Album Release on We Were Never Being Boring Label in June.
Working directly within our community of Los Angeles to cultivate the genre with Tennis System, Young Lovers, & Sheer, All bands of the dreampop shoegaze post punk revolution.
Confirmed Dates: SXSW March 21 Opening for Nic Hessler(Captured Tracks) @ Part Time Punks in Los Angeles at The Echo April 19th for the record release party. West Coast Tour USA, May/June European Tour October/November
Q. Any Parting Words?
Thank you so much THE BLOG THAT CELEBRATES ITSELF for working so hard to support the genre community internationally.