Um grande suspiro para o college rock vem pelas mãos, guitarras e pelo EP No Goodbyes dos estadunidenses do Gleemer.
Lançado agora no começo do ano No Goodbyes resgata a verve de Guided by Voices, Built to Spill e outros que fizeram a alegria de muita gente nos 90´s.
Lançado agora no começo do ano No Goodbyes resgata a verve de Guided by Voices, Built to Spill e outros que fizeram a alegria de muita gente nos 90´s.
Mais lento do que suas influências o Gleemer mostra talento e grande inspiração nas quatro canções do ep.
Um belíssimo começo de 2015 do Gleemer para nós.
***** Interview with Gleemer *****

Q. When did Gleemer started, tell us about the history...
A: Gleemer started when I moved to New York. It was a solo project at first, and my first time writing my own songs start to finish, but my friend Matt in Colorado became heavily involved in the project (sending files back and forth, etc.), and ultimately I moved to CO to pursue it with him. Now we have a 4 piece band, and it's a whole lot of fun.
Q: Who are your influences?
A: My biggest influences are probably Guided by Voices (Robert Pollard's attitude in particular is so inspiring), and Elliott Smith, though a lot of my songs end up being tonally influenced by whatever I'm into at the moment.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
- Either/Or: Elliott Smith
- Alien Lanes: Guided By Voices
- Distressor: Whirr
- There's Nothing Wrong with Love: Built to Spill
- Shed: Title Fight
Q. How do you feel playing live?
A: Playing live still makes me nervous sometimes, but I think it's all about perspective. It's really cool just to be able to express our songs for people and have them respond. Once you realize everyone is sort of in it together the fear melts away, and it's just an awesome experience.
Q. How do you describe Gleemer sounds?
A: Our sounds are dreamy and sad... at least that's how they make me feel!
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
A: We record/mix all our songs in my parent's basement in Colorado. It can be exhausting, but very rewarding in the end! It's great to be entrenched in the writing as well as the recording process.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
A: My favorite finds recently have been Alex G (Trick and DSU are my favorite records of his), and this band from New Orleans called Sprawling is crazy good as well!
Also, Soft Drinks... I can't even express how great they are. Their EP I Choose Not to Run (https://lifedunkinternational.bandcamp.com/album/choose-not-to-run) is just unreal.
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
A: As weird as it may seem I would love to cover a newer Title Fight song... that or Lilys. We've talked about covering "Claire Hates Me" from their first album!
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
A: We're currently just about to release a new EP, and are also working on writing our next full length. Now that we have a full band we'd love to start setting up some small US tours as well!
Q: Any parting words?
Thanks so much for having me answer these questions!