Eles já passaram por aqui no TBTCI, e meu culto e fanatismo sobre a obra jamais parou, e como que envolto ao redescobrimento do classico album Taste que esta acontecendo graças a bandas como One Unique Signal, 93MMFTS que andam tocando com Stephen em Londres e revivendo aquelas canções na integra, tentei, e para meu espanto total, Stephen Lawrie me concedeu uma mitica e misteriosa entrevista, então, para tudo, vamos ler o que o mestre diz:

Q: Let´s talk about the old years…when did Telescopes starts, tell us about the history...
A. 86/87. a lot of people have been and gone, but the intent remains. corrupted and pure.
Q: Who are your influences/heroes?
A. all the great explorers.
Q. How do you describe Telescopes sounds?
A. with my hands or my mouth.
Q. Taste is classic, do you agree?
A. glad you like it. i'm enjoying rediscovering those songs live at the moment.
Q. The 2nd album is radical change from Taste, that´s begun at Everso and Celeste Ep´s, why happens this?
A. if you listen to early bsides, the melody was there from the beginning. telescope house has many rooms.
Q: To me the best Telescopes songs are not include in the albuns like Precious Little, To Kill a Slowgirl Walking, Celeste, Everson, and for you what´s the best Telescopes ep, song, album....etc..
A. usually it will be something i haven't heard for a while that takes me by surprise. i'm too critical otherwise.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording your songs..
A. each song is different. it's a process of finding a way in.
Q Every Telescopes album has a different sounds, How Third Wave was created?
A. i recorded basic song structures, then me and my friends improvised over them, and kept the best bits.
Q. #4 and Infinite Suns sounds too kraut and spacier, do you agree?
A. not really. #4 is claustrophobic and infinite suns is volcano music.
Q: Tell us about the Telescopes´ gigs...how was it?
A. they're never the same. you have to be there.
Q. About Unisex, How was the experience to record Stratosphere?
A. it was a long goodbye.
Q. What´s the most important thing to play with bands like 93 Million Miles From the Sun, One Unique Signal and the forthcoming tour with The Fauns?
A. chaos magic.

Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version?
A. i don't really spend much time thinking about it. but we're doing a couple of elevators songs for an evening dedicated to roky erickson soon.
Q: Which new bands do you recommend?
A. bridget hayden.
Q. Here in Brazil there´re a several Telescopes fans, and a compilation was realese in the mid 90´s from Midsummer Madness Label, Do you know this Telescopes´ brazilian adoration?
A. yes, i know the midsummer madness gang and done zine, i get lots of requests to play.
Q: What´s the plans for future....new records, a tour....
A. always a possibility.
Q: Any parting words?
A. keep a watchful ear.
The Telescopes - Rarities
The Telescopes - 7th Disaster, The Perfect Needle, To Kill a Slowgirl Walking, Precious Little Eps