Seguindo a trilha aberta pelo Blue Angel Lounge e Underground Youth, a psicodelia negra e densa vem a tona novamente com o one man band Dark Mountain Echo.
Ainda sem nada lançado oficialmente, apenas músicas expostas no seu canal do you tube, o Dark Mountain Echo pega o lado dark da psicodelia de seus conterrâneos e infelizmente finados do Blue Angel Lounge como eu coloquei e desacelera um pouco mais deixando suas peças mais gélidas ainda.
Que venha o material oficial, e que venha rapidamente.
***** Interview with Dark Mountain Echo ******

Q. When did Dark Mountain Echo started, tell us about the history...
Dark Mountain Echo is a one man project from Hamburg (germany). I started in year 2011. i wanted to creat music for myself. Actually i have a band with some friends but its nice to have an selfmade project where i can do what i want.
Q: Who are your influences?
My influences are The Blue Angel Lounge, The Velvet Underground, Galaxie 500, Nico, Amen Dunes
Q. Made a list of 5 albums of all time…
The Blue Angel Lounge- Sea Of Trees
Galaxie 500- Today
Nico- The Marble Index
Brian Jonestown Massacre- My Bloody Underground
The Frozen Borderline- Sadness As A Gift
Q. How do you feel playing live?
I have never played these songs live but i want to
Q. How do you describe Dark Mountain Echo sounds?
I would say its an dark and emotional sound with lots of dreamy influences.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
When i have an idea i record it in my living room it is a nice feeling to see a draft that became to a real song. At first i record a single guitar track and in this moment i have the hole song in my brain/mind.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
The Frozen Borderline(Hagen/Germany) Tropic Of Cancer Smoke Beach( Hagen/Germany) Tamaryn
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
Hard to say i think it would be one from the galaxie 500.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
I want to release a lp . recording more music
Q: Any parting words?
I would like to thank all of my friends and of cource my lovely girlfriend