Hariguem Zaboy é shoegazer clássico, estiloso, e barulhento diretamente da Tailândia.
Como a grande maioria dos orientais a grande influência na cabeça é o MBV. Mr. Kevin Shields realmente fez um estrago na cabeça de todos por aqueles lado e não somente não é mesmo!?!?
Thick Mink álbum lançado ano passado passeia sonhadoramente pelo Ins´t Anything e pelo Loveless mas não esquecendo de outro grandioso patrimônio, o Yo La Tengo, os caras do Hariguem Zaboy pegam os dois baluartes e formam suas canções de forma categórica, é shoegazer college radio sem tirar nem por.
Disco maravilhoso e viciante. Prediletos do TBTCI.
***** Interview with Hariguem Zaboy *****

Q. When did Hariguem Zaboy started, tell us about the history...
A: We have been long time friend. Same school we learned. Maybe we started this band in 2006 for just playing at school. It's just for having fun with friends. But after that we try to write few songs, so it made us feel so great to have our own songs. That's why we start doing it seriously.
Q: Who are your influences?
A: Napan's Black Sabbath, Beatles and Led Zeppelin Rungsimun's Yo La Tengo, Cocteau Twins and My Bloody Valentine Garntanop's Teenage Fanclub, Deerhunter and Pavement Rattanapong's The Doors, Beatles and Pink Floyd
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
A: Rattanapong's
1. Pink Floyd -ummagumma
2. Weather Report- Heavy Weather
3. The Doors- The Soft Parade
4. The Beatles -Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
5. Complex - Complex(1970)
1. Guided By Voices - Vampire on titus
2. My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything
3. Stereolab - Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements
4. Yo La Tengo - And Then Nothing Turns Itself Inside-Out
5. Spacemen 3 Playing with Fire
1.The Beatles - The White Album
2. Led Zeppelin - House of The Holy
3. Chris Potter - Vertigo
4. John Coltrane / Miles Davis - The Complete Columbia Recordings 1955-1961
5. Robert Glasper Experiment - Black Radio
1. Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
2. Yuck - Yuck
3. Deerhunter - Microcastle
4. Yo La Tengo - Popular Songs
5. Teenage fanclub - Song from Northern Britain
Q. How do you feel playing live?
A: We love it. Live music is something special. Something is expressed from musician to audience and turn back to musician again. When we were on the stage, we just keep playing, feel it. No matter what the result is.
Q. How do you describe Hariguem Zaboy sounds?
A: Noisy, Loud and Unpredictable
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
A: We recorded this album at Panda Studio. Actually, it is Panda Records office. We recorded all the songs just 4 hours together. Beer was what we need that time. Before drinking it, we play so shit. And our producer told us like "Hey, go grab 3-4 bottles of beers" It's work! After finish this process, Rungsimun and Wannarit live together in the studio for 1 month for recording vocal stuff and do mastering.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A: We love what Pity Sex doing. Young Prisms and Pure X are great too
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
A: We used to cover Yo La Tengo song. The Smiths and Guided By Voices as well. Maybe Galaxie 500 will be next
Q: What´s the plans for future....
A: We plan to release our new album this year. Hope that before september is perfect. We finish all songs and recording direction already. Plan to be in studio this April
Q: Any parting words?
A: Our LP vinyl just ready for sale this day! Can sale anywhere in the world already. wish that someday we will have opportunity to play music in Brazil.