Hoje, eu tive a grata surpresa e honra de ser citado por um dos grandes jornalistas que entregou sua vida para passar informações musicais por décadas, o mestre JAL ou José Augusto Lemos e a grande e eterna revista Bizz.
O TBTCI segue a trilha aberta pela revista e seus mentores, tem muita gente atualmente que deve ser lido ou ao menos acompanhado por realmente tem o que dizer.
O TBTCI segue a trilha aberta pela revista e seus mentores, tem muita gente atualmente que deve ser lido ou ao menos acompanhado por realmente tem o que dizer.
Enfim, meu obrigado ao JAL.
E seguinte uma das seções mais bacanas da Bizz, a Zona Franca, que trazia bandas do submundo daquela época e discos obscuros onde muita coisa que virou cabeceira pra mim eu li lá primeiro, uma das bandas que se tivesse surgido naquela época estaria por lá é o Their Experiments.
Duas músicas disponíveis em seu bandcamp ainda sob o formato demos.
E já dá pra perceber o tamanho da encrenca que esta por vir, Slowdive com Smashing Pumpkins e batidas eletrônicas guiando a parede sonora. Hipnótico e denso, o Their Experiments também me faz lembrar do grande Flying Saucer Attack.
Pra ficar de olhos e ouvidos atentos.
***** Interview with Their Experiments *****

Q. When did Their Experiments started, tell us about the history...
I started Their Experiments on a rainy day in my bedroom. For the most part its just me making the music and producing everything.
Q: Who are your influences?
I would have to say Slowdive, The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, My Bloody Valentine, and Dinosaur Jr (for this genre at least
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
This is a very tough question but I would have to go with
The Lonesome Crowded West by Modest Mouse,
Either/Or by Elliott Smith,
The Bends by Radiohead,
Souvlaki by Slowdive,
and The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place by Explosions In The Sky,
Q. How do you feel playing live?
I love it. Its a feeling I can't even explain really. Seeing the crowd move to your music is one of the best things I have ever experienced.
Q. How do you describe Their Experiments sounds?
Well I use a lot of fuzz on my guitars and my chorus pedal is almost always on. A lot of my influences with guitar tones and sounds come from artists from the 90's. I'm not going to give away too much, but my new releases will involve a lot of bit crushing fuzz.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
Recording usually takes place when I'm feeling gloomy. I usually just record in my bedroom. I don't really have my own studio space so I have created a bedroom studio. Most of the time I take sounds that I have in my head and just kind of transfer them to my guitar and drums.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
Wichita from Rhode Island (https://wichitari.bandcamp.com)
Willow who are also from RI (https://willowri.bandcamp.com)
and Fourth Wanderers from New Jersey (https://forthwanderers.bandcamp.com)
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
Definitely Dinosaur Jr and Built to Spill!
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
Just make music and try and live out my dream while making a living.
Q: Any parting words?
Listen to local music wherever you are!!