Magenta Placenta é a bola da vez agora no TBTCI.
Medicine e MBV fizeram um estrago na cabeça do pessoal do Magenta Placenta a ponto dos caras criarem sob essas influência seus álbuns
Medicine e MBV fizeram um estrago na cabeça do pessoal do Magenta Placenta a ponto dos caras criarem sob essas influência seus álbuns
Tudo DIY, tudo lo fi, distanciando-se de certa forma das grandes obsessões de perfeccionismo de Kevin Shields e Brad Lanner, o que dá um ar mais amadorístico aos álbuns do Magenta Placenta.
The Comedown From Living e Southern Comfort ambos de 2014 são como parte 1 e parte 2, ou capítulo 1 e 2 de um livro.A lógica sonora entre ambos os une.
E vem mais por ai, boa viagem
***** Interview with Magenta Placenta *****

Q. When did Magenta Placenta started, tell us about the history...
Well, I'd been making electronic music for a few years and ended up getting really into ambient music. I just sat down one day with my computer and started recording guitar instead of synths and it just took off from there. I showed my friend Adrianna (from Loveless Records) my tunes and she turned around and she really love it and pushed me to do more. After a couple years I kinda took a break from making strictly electronic music and that's when the project really came to fruition.
I guess it's always been just me writing and recording all of the music, although a lot of my friends have helped me with the live show side of it.
Q: Who are your influences?
Pixies, Medicine, My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, Boards of Canada, Alex G, Scissor Sisters, Four Tet, The Beatles, Modest Mouse, Sleep, Madlib.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Madvillainy - Madvillain
Geogaddi - Boards of Canada
Loveless - My Bloody Valentine
Beat Konducta Vol. 5: Dil Cosby Suite - Madlib
Butter - Hudson Mohawke
Honestly I mostly listen to hip-hop. I like to think that it keeps my mind clear when it comes to making more guitar centric stuff but who knows.
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Usually nervous. I'm a perfectionist and it's usually hard to make these songs sound as full as they do with 10 different guitar parts like on the recordings and all that. But I also really like it, I get to really focus in on my guitar and forget about everything else for a while.
Sounds like drinking beers on your friend's lawn after skateboarding all day. Or driving alone in the mountains when it's raining. Or stumbling out of a club at 3 am and making out with your high school crush. Or like.. waking up on an airplane at sunrise.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
When I record I usually get the main guitar bits all tight and then drums and bass so I've got a good instrumental track. Sometimes I'll just start with a drum loop and write the whole song while I'm sitting there. After that I focus on melodies and vocals and then get a feel for where the song's going. Then I spend too much time polishing it up and working on the textures and all that.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Silk Rhodes and Psychomagic. And Freddie Gibbs, holy shit he's killing it this year! I dunno I'm really bad at keeping up with new bands for the most part, although I like to stay up on what's new in the electronic music scene.
Q: Which band would you love to make a cover version of?
Bruce Springsteen or The Clash. They're both so good already but I feel like injecting them with loads of reverb and distortion would be crazy.
Q: What´s the plans for future….
Working on a new album called "The Wage of Sin Is Death". And improving the live show with my friends CJ and Steve. Q: Any parting words?
Much love, shouts for all the work you do keeping the whole dream rock thing alive. I'm really stoked to see all the appreciation for shoegaze coming out of South America lately, people aren't as receptive in U.S. with all the other stuff going on. Cheers!