As meninas do Night School são simplesmente maravilhosas.
Melodias pegajosas, viciantes, um mix de girl groups 60´s com Primitives e guitar bands e a formula é Heart Beat epzinho lançado no final do ano passado que vai e volta em audições ininterruptas por aqui.
Não tem muito que ficar dizendo ou se estender tentando explicar a delicia que é o ep das garotas do Night School, é ouvir e se apaixonar.
***** Interview with Night School *****

Q. When did Night School get started, tell us about the history...
Baylie: We met through a mutual friend at a park in spring of 2013 and instantly hit it off on the topic of music and wanting someone to jam with. I'd just picked up drumming and she had some songs that needed just that so it worked out perfectly. For a few months we jammed and threw together the heartbeat ep.
Q: Who are your influences?
Lexy: The Shirelles, The Shangrilas, The Sundays, Cocteau Twins
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
The Zombies - self titled album,
Pinkerton - Weezer,
Tonight's the Night - The Shirelles,
Disintegration - The Cure,
Broadcast - Tender Buttons
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Lexy: Playing live is fun, it's always a different experience at each show. Some shows are better than others but generally it's a good time haha
Q. How do you describe Night School sounds?
Baylie: I don't really know. Sometimes it's really garage-y with heavy guitar and poppy vocals, sometimes it's soft and sincere. Each song is personal and we work to promote those emotional elements while making sure it's bearable to listen to
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ? -
Baylie: When we come up with an idea we record it in our bedrooms using GarageBand and little shitty mics to bounce back and forth through email. That way when we head for the studio we already know exactly what we want.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Baylie: I'm terrible at keeping up with new music just listen to tobacco grimes whirr and nothing and you'll be fine
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
Lexy: Tell her no by the Zombies
Q: What´s the plans for future? -
Lexy: releasing more records and touring
Q: Any parting words?
I hope when our first full length comes out we'll win an Oscar