Não é de hoje que venho falando aqui no TBTCI que a Austrália esta fervilhando de grandes novas bandas sejam shoegazer, psych ou pós punk.
Eis que a mais nova novidade a chegar nas páginas do TBTCI vem novamente de lá, Soviet X-Ray Record Club. Um dos sons foi apresentado no TBTCI Radio Show e como eu já imaginava fez o barulho que deveria fazer.
Os caras pegam fortemente na temática pós punk denso e pesado, com elementos de shoegazer e noise os caras impressionam já na primeira audição.
Os caras pegam fortemente na temática pós punk denso e pesado, com elementos de shoegazer e noise os caras impressionam já na primeira audição.
Os caras debutaram com seu primeiro single oficial em setembro do ano passado e estão preparando o álbum intitulado Wake, que facilmente é um dos mais esperados por aqui.
Como disse o chapa Weber, olho neles.
***** Interview with Soviet X-Ray Record Club *****

A: In the past we performed and recorded under a different name. It was kind of solo project that through a a few cases of 'six degrees of separation' we became a group project with a new name to match. 'Soviet X-Ray Record Club' was going to be the original name for the solo project, but I put it aside - now it's come full circle.
Q: Who are your influences?
A: For all of us, we like to keep it fresh all the time, but our collective staple diet would be: The Raveonettes, The Cure, A Place to Bury Strangers and Joy Division
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Pornography - The Cure
Grinderman (1) - Grinderman
Pe'ahi - The Raveonettes
Primary Colours - The Horrors
Doolittle - The Pixies
Q. How do you feel playing live?
A: So many feelings.. but mostly pretty damn happy.
Q. How do you describe Soviet X-Ray Record Club sounds?
A: David Lynch on a winter surfing safari at a beach resort Tim Burton might run.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
A: I have a bad romance with recording. We record ourselves in my annoyingly modest studio, so it takes us forever. I mix the tracks when everyone in my house is asleep, It drives me crazy, but I love it. The good thing is: once it's finished and set in concrete, it's done, in the past never to be
changed. then there's a moment of zen-blank, then I can move on to something new.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A: Probably not so new, but for me a Melbourne band called Total Control and an Northern Irish band called Girls Names are newly dominating in my playlists.
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
A: I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I'm not a big fan of playing other peoples music. It makes me feel a little weird singing someone else's lyrics. Kind of like sleeping in someone else's bed.
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
A: At the moment we've just finished mixing our debut LP ('Wake') as Soviet X-Ray Record Club, so now we're in the midst of organising the release in April/March and then an East Coast Australian Tour to follow up. Then we're dusting off our skateboards for the next single's clip... then it's back to work recording the next album.
Q: Any parting words?
A: Thanks for the interview.