sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2014

Cataclysm with Sunken Seas - An Interview

A Nova Zelândia sempre nos brindou com uma infinidade de belíssimas bandas, Bailterspace, The Chills, The Bats, entre outras preciosidades, agora nas páginas do TBTCI o destaque vai para o comboio pós punk shoegazer Sunken Seas, descendente direto do Bailterspace e com nuances de grandes nomes do art noise como o Band of Susans.

Um álbum extremamente hipnótico com paredes e mais paredes de dissonâncias extremas de guitarras e uma cozinha fincada no pós punk leia-se The Sound, Null Hour é denso e pesado, e esta a mostra gratuitamente no bandcamp deles bem como seus último registro o ep Cataclysm igualmente recomendando.

O Sunken Seas virou objetivo continuo em audições deste que vos escreve e não a toa se faz necessário mais dosagens pesadas de Sunken Seas.

Ah eles citaram as meninas do Ratka como uma das novas bandas que eles recomendam, e conversas nos bastidores podem revelar grandes novidades para o futuro, meu conselho é fiquem atentos.

***** Interview with Sunken Seas *****

When did Sunken Seas starts tell us about the history...Why this name?
The imagery of our name is shrouded in some kind of mystery, personally it conjures the image of looking out to the horizon and seeing a massive slow churning whirlpool.

Q: Who are your influences?
We are inspired by alot of different genres of not only music but books, societal factors, events that happen in our own lives. Whilst at all times we try not to over-think the end result, Sunken Seas could be seen as the end result of pouring all the churning machinations of daily life into an musical output.

Other influences include Wesley Snipes and Bridget Powers.

Q. Made a list of 5 albums of all time…
Hard but I’ll give you 4
Colder – Again
My Bloody Valentine – Loveless
Sgt Peppers
Velvet Underground and Nico

Q. How do you fell playing live?
It’s the most enjoyable part. To most musicans I would imagine playing live is like being re-affirmed somehow.

Q. How do you describe Sunken Seas´sounds?
We get confused by trying to classify what we are. It changes alot – we’ve been called so many different genres, i’ve not even heard of half of them. Stonegaze?! We just say we are a rock band, you know what are you are getting on the tin that way.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
It’s a four step process. First we invoke the dead, then we get as high as we possibly can, then for a change of tack we sit around pontificating about the pressing issues of the day, ideas are swapped - as are seminal fluids.

Then we write music

Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Ratka from Brazil!!
Grave Babies from North America
Total Control
Pink Turns Blue (not new but german and damn good)
Ali Farka Toure
Mo fuckin Electric Wizard

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
Kaleidoscope ‘Please Excuse my face’

Q: What´s the plans for future....
Release our second album early 2014 and get some more international touring under our belt. Would love to play in South America!

Q: Any parting words?
Viva Brazil!
Thanks guys