Uma verdadeira viagem ao submundo dos bons sons é o que prega Niden Kolev, coisa finíssima e novíssima que vai fazer barulho neste já maravilhoso 2015.
Uma doce e saborosa odisseia a psicodelia shoegazer dançante. Tem ecos de Chapterhouse, de Tame Impala, de dreampop, ou seja tem pra todos os bons gostos possíveis.
Não há nada oficial ainda lançado pelo Niden Kolev, mas tem um punhado de maravilhosas preciosidades pra viajar e se deliciar no soundcloud dele.
Uma doce e saborosa odisseia a psicodelia shoegazer dançante. Tem ecos de Chapterhouse, de Tame Impala, de dreampop, ou seja tem pra todos os bons gostos possíveis.
Não há nada oficial ainda lançado pelo Niden Kolev, mas tem um punhado de maravilhosas preciosidades pra viajar e se deliciar no soundcloud dele.
Eu se fosse você já pegava sua passagem pra essa trip, e nem precisa se preocupar com a volta porque não vai dar tempo.
***** Interview with Niden Kolev *****

Q. When did you started to make music, tell us about the history...
A. I started seriously making music during the summer/late fall of this year. I had recently obtained a guitar interface that could plug into my music software; this was the time when I started transcribing my ideas onto a media format. I would have my days off from work and then just have the goal of recording a song I had floating around in my mind from the week prior. I’d sit down and just jam for a bit until, BAM, things would click; this is how all of my songs have recorded (in a haphazard/ improvised method). I still don’t have a band, so this is primarily a bedroom project I engage in whilst pondering melodies that run through my head.
Q: Who are your influences?
A. Tame Impala, The Who, The Ruby Suns, Washed Out, Temples, Generationals, Pink Floyd, Toro y Moi, Peter Bjorn and John, Sonic Youth and Holy Wave—to name a few. My influences jump around from a number of different genres. I like incorporating different styles into my songs, but what I really tried to achieve with my EP is to have almost every song sound completely different while still having them tie together overall.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
A. Oh boy, this is a tough one… If I were to list off the top of my head I’d say:
Tame Impala - “Innerspeaker,”
Beirut – “The Flying Club Cup,”
The Strokes – “Is This It,”
The Ruby Suns – “Sea Lion,”
and Washed Out – “Life of Leisure.”
Q. How do you feel playing live?
A. I actually have never played a show, hence the fact that this is a bedroom project. I actually just parted ways with my former band, klozapin, and played quite a few shows with them. I really enjoyed the experience of being caught in the moment; its truly ethereal. Nothing feels more right than an audience being immersed in a bands music and having them reciprocate the same energy the band puts into the performance. I really would love to start getting together a full band and turning these tunes into a live experience; it’d truly be a psychedelic/uplifting experience.
Q. How do you describe your sounds?
A. Well, like I said before, I would categorize my sounds anywhere from dream pop-to-soundscape-to-psychedelic rock. I try to encompass ambient sounds and heavier sounds into my music to give a well-rounded product. I’m heavily influenced through psychedelic and ambient music, but I really enjoy catchy and upbeat melodies, so I tried to incorporate a little bit of both.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
A. Well, unfortunately, I have next to nothing to work with. I merely have a semi-hollow body guitar, a guitar interface to plug into my computer, and logic pro. Besides the guitar and vocals, these songs are primarily recorded through midi and on-screen interface; I’d have a lot more breathing room with more equipment and a studio to work in. My goal with my next album, or this EP becoming an LP, would be to have a plethora of instruments to work with in order to achieve a much more spacious and diverse sound than I am already working with.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
A. Oh boy, again… Vacationer, Savage Sister, Bodies of Water, Django Django, Generationals, Holy Wave, Day Wave, Beach Vacation, Midriffs, Gunns, Peals, Fascinator, Shaun Brown, The Parrots, Dom, Arms, Tuung, Olympic Ayres, Marian Hill, Bleachers, Drowners, Furnsss, Horsebeach, Homeshake, High & Drys, The Slow Readers Club, Jungle, Pond, The Mantles and Wampire.
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
A. I’d absolutely love to do a cover of “Apocalypse Dreams” by Tame Impala and “Mesmerize,” “Sun Structures” by Temples.
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
A. Firstly, I want to form an actual band for live performances; that’s key for spreading this on a local platform. Next, I would like to get in the studio and record this music in hopes of pressing it on vinyl in the future. Lastly, I want this to spread to people who want to sit down, relax and immerse themselves into the sounds of neo-psychedelia.
Q: Any parting words?
A. I love where music is heading nowadays. It’s a truly breathtaking experience to be a part of a culture, which produces revival music, totally new sounds and everything in-between. I’m excited for the future of music across the globe; I feel that it’s one of the truly sacred things left in this world.
Thanks Niden