Viagens ácidas, percorrendo terrenos multicoloridos, o sabor amargo do ácido, melodias pegajosas, garagens sessentistas, fuzz, peace, love and psych, da Suécia vem os freaks do The Seed Coat, Adolescence lançado ano passado é o mais recente petardo dos caras.
Disco viciante, com aquela aura dos 60´s transportada para os nossos tempos, se você gosta de Tame Impala, Temples, se faz mais do que necessário cair de cabeça, ops corpo e alma no The Seed Coat, porque é garantia de uma good trip.
***** Interview with The Seed Coat *****
Q. When did The Seed Coat start, tell us about the history...
The Seed Coat started as a solo project right after my previous band Rói Höttur split up and I moved to Falun to study music-& sound production. This was back in 2010. I tried a couple of things solo before that as well but didn’t finish any songs and never got happy with the result. But it wasn’t until the end of 2011 when I picked a name and decided to make an album out of sketches I had laying around.
Q: Who are your influences?
Going to shows, watching performances and art is manly things that inspire me to create something. But listening to music influence the sound and direction of the music. Lately I’ve been influenced by french 60s pop.
Bands like Pink Floyd, Dungen, Múm, The Doors, The Seeds and Broadcast has influenced me a lot.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Always a hard one but this is some classics and new ones that I love to listen to from start to finish.
Dungen - 4
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
Brightblack Morning Light - Brightblack Morning Light
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker
The Seeds - The Seeds
Q. How do you feel playing live?
We started playing as a band around a year ago and before that it was three years since I last had a band. I really enjoy playing live and realized how much I missed it. I’m really happy with the band we have now!
Q. How do you describe The Seed Coat´s sound?
Layers of colorful sounds and melodies. Fuzzy sounds covered with a warm coat.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
We have just finished recording our third album now and it’s been three different processes. Usually it starts with a whistle recording on my phone then I make a demo song in Ableton to sketch arrangements and where to take the song.
Mammal Days was recorded in a bunch of different places. Almost all the drum recordings was recorded in the studio where I studied at the time. But then I recorded all the other instruments in practice spaces and apartment and some in different studio rooms. It was a process of recording all the instruments myself whenever a had the time. Adolescence is mostly recorded in the same studio and some drum tracks are played by our drummer Petter and some recordings with friends I studied with. But it’s always one instrument at the time.
This new album is all recorded in our new practice space in Stockholm except bass and vocals witch is recorded in a small studio where I also mix. I did quick recordings with guitar and some other instruments just playing to metronome then we did all the drums. Petter is playing all the drum tracks for this new album so it sounds much better then before:). William plays some guitar and organ and Hannes recorded almost all the percussion parts. Lisa and Robin did some vocal takes and bass.
But all recordings is done by us and I do all the mixing. I bought a space echo and stage echo witch i’ve been processing a lot of the tracks with in the new album. I have also been fiddling around with my eurorack modular system and different keyboards/synths. With Hannes in the group now we have also recorded some clarinet, flute and trumpet.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
The Hanged Man, Melody’s Echo Chamber, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, Tross and Morgan Delt is some favorites right now.
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
I have always felt that if you’re gonna do a cover song it need to be a song you like but in a completely different genre. Tame Impala - Remember Me is a good example.
I would love to play in a band were I can go nuts on stage. Maybe we should wait a couple of years and then be a King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard coverband.
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
We have a new album that is almost finished now. Don’t have any date set for release, but the plan is to release a couple of singels and search for a label in the meantime. We have our own show in february and the plan is to release the first single by then. Also have big plans for my side project Lejonsläktet.
Q: Any parting words?
Thanks for the chat and we can’t wait until we can let you hear our new album!