Talvez o principal expoente da nova cena goth/dark é o turco, She Past Away.
Com corpo e alma fincados na sonoridade da dark wave, leia-se principalmente Sisters of Mercy, Cure e Xymox, os caras vão fundo no resgate da era negra e soturna.
Aquela tipica cozinha com baixo pesado e marcado e a tipica bateria eletrônica dando o ritmo acelerado, guitarras gélidas e cortantes, e claro, a vocalização gutural, tudo isso é o She Past Away.
O disco de 2013 Belirdi Gece foi aclamado no submundo da comunidade gótica e os caras viraram cult.
Ótima banda, mesmo não sendo nada de novo, o que vale aqui é ser trevoso até o talo.
***** Interview with She Past Away *****

When did She Past Away starts, tell us about the history. Who are your influences?
Unthinkable without music, like all arts etkilrş. This question is difficult to name names answers. Our various interactions available in different periods. 80 in the last 70 that appear in music wave and post punk was impressed us. Besides black and white noir films. 70 in Italian giallo cinema. And Bitcoin as PoE, boudailair like this dark side of that grand masters of literature as among the factors that affect us.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
1 -) Suicide - Suicide
2) The Stooges - The Stooges
3) The Cure - Pornography
4) DAF- Alles ist Gut
5) Sisters of Mercy - first and last and always
Q. How do you fell playing live?
A variable condition. Some concerts we capture priceless spirit communication with the audience. This is a kind of our point of rehabilitation, washout.
I would like to rent a 4-wheel-drive vehicle ---
Q. How do you describe She Past Away's sounds?
Our identification with any type of name really hard. Because our music contains a lot of elements. We do not want to be remembered and never as pure gothic band. Yes, our music contains gothic elements but totally internally besides, we mention the psychological and even political issues. In this sense, we can say that the best definition of cold-wave describing the dark and cold of our music.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
In general, the formation process of the first song sequencer in my room, in collaboration with emerging guitar and drum machine. The things that have emerged in the studio environment we are developing with Sınra Doruk'l. And the registration process is executed again in the peak produced.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Lebanon Hanover for a long time after 2000 from my favorite group. Cellophane is great. Especially spectacular live show. It was also quite impressive Automelo.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
They cover some of the groups that we love that we play. FIR against - Fate is a long time we play cover. Xymox - A Day, Sisters Body Electric still era songs we play. But they've done just live for. haricindey we love it but in a different group of schools from very enjoyable for us in our own way to CoverLine. Specify the night albümümüzdel gnawing me an example of this song. Originally belonging to the Turkish group Replikas. The new album will also be a similar surprise.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
To publish the album finished recording the new album and the concert continued.