Brigitte Roussel já é sócia de carteirinha aqui no TBTCI, muito porque sua banda o Nac/Hut Report é daqueles poucos da atualidade que conseguem recriar o que Neubauten, Birthday Party e Lydia Lunch criaram lá trás.
O fato é que Brigitte lançou no ano passado seu debute solo o apocalíptico Amber Hole. Uma obra feita a base de colagens, sonoridades eletrônicas e elementos de art noise, industrial e noise levando suas experimentações ao extremo do anti comercial.
O fato é que Brigitte lançou no ano passado seu debute solo o apocalíptico Amber Hole. Uma obra feita a base de colagens, sonoridades eletrônicas e elementos de art noise, industrial e noise levando suas experimentações ao extremo do anti comercial.
Um álbum complicadíssimo de se ouvir e de se assimilar somente indicado a iniciados e adoradores de experimentações caóticas ao nível máximo, detalhe, o disco é espetacular.
Definitivamente não recomendado a indie kids.
***** Interview with Brigitte Roussel *****

Q. When did you start to make music, tell us about the history...
It was around 2007, after I met Li/ese/Li, the other half of my band Nac/Hut Report. I was very interested in what he was doing musically and I decided that I would like to take part of this. We decided to create a band, where initially I was just a singer, but then slowly I started to contribuate also to the instrumental part, creating noises and so on.
Q: Who are your influences?
The list could be quite long. Surely Einturzende Neubauten, Cabaret Voltaire, SPK, Lydia Lunch, The Birthday Party, The Jesus&Mary Chain, Atari Teenage Riot, The Girls Against Boys, Royal Trux, Black Dice, Indian Jewelry, Just to make some example ;)
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Kollaps - Einturzende Neubauten
Prayers on Fire - The Birthday Party
Twin Infinitives - Royal Trux
Repo - Black Dice
Nevermind - Nirvana
Q. How do you fell playing live?
It's always great to play live, Usually when I play it's really an enormous chaos so it's also some kind of fight to dominate all these sounds and forms.
Q. How do you describe your solo album??
It's a very atmospheric album to me. Obviously it's full of strange, creepy sounds, but the point of this Lp was to bring the gloomy european atomosphere to noise/electronic music, and I hope in some way it's exaclty this.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
Usually I start from a basic sound that determinates the entire development of the song. I try to elaborate it and give it a form that could be expressive. Then I start to work on the modulation of the sound and I add other elements to create the dynamics of the track. At the end it comes the lyrical part. Often when I hear a sound I have already an idea where I would like to arrive at the end, but usually during the compositive process it goes in a completly different direction. And it's a wonderful thing, because it makes something alive out of music, you may maintain the orginal idea but the final result, the finall form of the song, it's something completely suprising.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
My foavourite bands of last years are surely Gustav Tiger, Control Unit, Kommissar Hjuler & Mama Baer, Father Murphy, Secret Secrets.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
I always wanted to make a cover of The Girls vs. Boys - "Roxy". Or "Venus on Furs" of The Velvet Underground.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
Well, to finish the album of Nac/Hut Report that we're working on. And to play around as much as possibile. And forget about the outside world.
Q: Any parting words?
“Young people everywhere have been allowed to choose between love and a garbage disposal unit. Everywhere they have chosen the garbage disposal unit.” (Guy Debord)
Thanks Brigitte