Imagine uma fusão em alta velocidade de Flaming Lips a fase barulhenta e doentia deles com MBV fase pré Creation aliado ao Red House Painters, imaginou? Pois bem, agora desde lá no final da entrevista e acesse o bandcamp do Burning House e dá play.
Feito? Agora boa viagem com os londrinos.
Os eps Burning House e II são assim, um híbrido dissimulado dessas maravilhas todas formando com coesão canções que vão de céu ao inferno rapidamente.
E o submundo dos bons sons permanece mais escatológico e esporrento do que nunca graças a guerreiros como o Burning House.
***** Interview with Burning House *****

Q. When did Burning House started, tell us about the history...
Burning house has existed in some form since 2012. Albeit, with a different lineup. At the the time we were just finding our feet, and things were a lot more freeform. Then, at around early 2013, I started a different band with Ash Babb, our current drummer. It was a completely improvisational Krautrock-esque affair under the name 'Zettleblotter', but we found ourselves gravitating towards ideas and concepts that were redolent of what I was already doing with Burning House. So we got him on board replacing our committed, but not entirely appropriate drummer at the time. We do intend to resurrect 'Zetteblotter' at some point, It's just finding the time...
Q: Who are your influences?
My influences are far and wide. Being raised in a house where the zenith of music achievement was 70s prog rock like 'Yes' certainly had a bearing on me. The constant voice of "that's not good enough, son" arcing through my brain. So consequently my "compositions" can, at times, veer towards the complex - but hopefully not gratuitously so. The first "proper" band I was obsessed with was Blur; the guitarwork of Graham Coxon really inspired me to explore the instrument and I still, to this day, really rate him. Red House Painters, and American Music Club informed my sense of songs evolving as an organic process - not governed necessarily by anything apart from the unravelling of something emotional and personal. Then there's the impersonal/synesthetic music of My Bloody Valentine, and the current incarnation of Swans, which is certainly a benchmark for the sonic/ arrangement choices I make.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Labradford - Prazision
Swans - Soundtracks For The Blind
Flaming Lips - Clouds Taste Metallic
Aphex Twin - .... I care because you do
Guided By Voices - Alien Lanes
Q. How do you feel playing live?
I used to get nervous, but I don't anymore. My main concern is whether or not everything "works" as it should, and if we're tight as a unit. I always impress upon the band to have things well rehearsed and, as much as possible, 'fully realized.
Q. How do you describe Burning House´s sound?
Like a howling freight train of dissonance, carrying passengers unaware of their imminent metamorphosis.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
Both the writing and recording process is very hard. I tend to ruminate on things for months. Occasionally it's "spontaneous" but that's contingent many factors one cannot anticipate. There is a sense of something being right, and then moving with that. The actual recording is a lot about experimentation - but a great deal of the time I have a complete or, at the very least inchoate vision of what I want.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
Rev Rev Rev
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
We did a cover of 'I am a tree' by guided by voices. That was a lot of fun. I have some in mind, but I don't want to say - we want to get there first
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
To survive. Survive with the art and for the art. We're going to record a full length album, which will hopefully surface very soon...
Q: Any parting words?
Come visit us at https://www.facebook.com/BurningHouseMusic