Da Itália vem a one man band sob a alcunha de Later, uma paulada curta, grossa e rápida encharcada de fuzz, distorções, barulheira preguiçosa lo-fi e com um apetite furioso em compor e gravar seus registros, sejam singles, eps, álbuns, o que for, o Later tem uma enorme discografia, toda amparada pelos adjetivos barulhentos que se preza em um lo-fi top.
Mais uma vez a Itália nos brinda com uma beleza. Ótima trilha sonora pra um role de skate.
***** Interview with Later *****

Q. When did Later started, tell us about the history...
1- later is a home solo project.i started recording stuff with this moniker in 1995/96 circa.the idea was and still is to record tunes in the easiest way trying to keep the primal "feeling" of the tunes,regardless of the quality of sounds...or even defacing it.
Q: Who are your influences?
2 - i'm into a lot of music but the ones i believe have changed my mind are surely punk and noise in their various forms from pop to hardcore.. but i also love jazz and thrash metal!
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3 - (this is the hardest question) so i'd say:
einsturzende neubauten - kollaps
sonic youth - evol my
bloody valentine - loveless
dead kennedys - fresh fruit for rotting vegetables
the cure - pornography
but the list should be of 100 albums at least!
Q. How do you feel playing live?
4 - i've never played live the Later songs.it's a domestic project.i play live with my bands which are St1ven S1gal and Thee Loyal Wankers.
Q. How do you describe Later sounds?
5 - i usually i describe it as "lo-fi pop noise" but i always thought that labels sucks and everyone describe the music the way he feels it and compare with the other sounds he knows.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
}6 - it's very simple! i find a melody or a riff or a noise and then record the rest.it's a very fast process.usually it takes about 15-20 mins to write and record a song,just because i don't take 'em as "songs" but tunes.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
7 - i must be honest: i'm a music archeologist! i'd prefer to search and listen bands backwards in the past than forward.but some new bands i really appreciate are the shoegazers ringo deathstarr and a place to bury strangers...
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
8 - i've recorded a lot of covers,but just for fun! on my bandcamp you can listen something of spacemen 3,sonic youth,guided by voices,ultravox,beatles etc...
Q: What´s the plans for future....
9 - my plans is to keep playing and recording everything i have in mind and put it online for free,as i always did.
Q: Any parting words?
10 - thank you Renato...as my beloved band yatsura sing : "take a stand, make a plan,form a gang, a lo-fi band!" come find me at www.laterplan9.bandcamp.com bye!