Ah nada como as guitar bands!!!
O frescor, a inocência, a adolescência, as descobertas, o amor, o sexo, as drogas, a música, os anos 90, tudo soa nostálgico, e daí você começa a escutar os australianos do The Sunbirds e as memórias vem e vão como um filme mágico passando pela mente, tempos que jamais serão esquecidos, lembranças eternas.
O frescor, a inocência, a adolescência, as descobertas, o amor, o sexo, as drogas, a música, os anos 90, tudo soa nostálgico, e daí você começa a escutar os australianos do The Sunbirds e as memórias vem e vão como um filme mágico passando pela mente, tempos que jamais serão esquecidos, lembranças eternas.
Mas daí escutando mais ainda Posthumous Name Change você se liga que esta em pleno 2015, os tempos mudaram, a música mudou, crescemos, mas daí vem os caras e pegam tudo aquilo que amamos e dão uma cara atualizada, misturando Pavement, MBV, Pixies, Dinosaur Jr e outros tantos e tudo acaba por fazer sentido.
E pra quem acha que soa retro ou saudosista, é melhor rever seus conceitos, porque as grandes coisas da vida são eternas.
Viva os anos noventa e um viva maior para o The Sunbirds. ACIMA.
***** Interview with The Sunbirds *****

Q. When did The Sunbirds start, tell us about the history...
I was playing in other bands a few years ago (2010?) but over time in my mind I built up this idea of a band called the Sunbirds who would be kind of shoegaze sounding. At some point that year I realised that all my best ideas were going into this imaginary band, and eventually turned those ideas into some poorly recorded songs, and then recruited some willing and able friends to make it all a reality. Since then, things have changed a lot as new friends have joined the band and made their marks.
Q: Who are your influences?
Pixies, Pavement, REM, Replacements, Dinosaur Jr… Anyone who tries their best to make nice songs but messes it up with laziness/too much distortion.
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Sonic Youth - Sister
Red House Painters - Down Colourful Hill
The Replacements - Tim
Pixies - Doolittle
Bob Dylan - Street Legal
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Nervous. But it's really fun too.
Q. How do you describe The Sunbirds´ sounds?
A shoegaze band that secretly wants to be a middle-of-the-road anthemic rock band, or perhaps the other way around. We don't use too many effects pedals and things but do enjoy a dense sound. We're always searching for the soundtrack to our youths.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
Most of our recordings have been done in a beach house or in my back room on a 4-track cassette recorder, with some digital technology and sometimes assisted by a friend. It's a fairly simple process and I quite like the way they sound.
Early in 2014 we recorded in Matt Hills' studio, which was a very different, but enjoyable process. It made us think about what we play more carefully and the result is more polished.
I think in future we will continue to experiment with different recording styles, depending on our moods.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
A few favourites from Adelaide…
Blush Response - beautiful shoegaze music. The Dunes - Twin Peaks pysch. Rapid Transport - the most joyous post-punk storytellers in town.
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
I wish we could get away with covering Neil Young well…
We've just recorded a fuzzy cover version of ?
Billie Piper's Honey To The B, so watch out for that.
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
We've got 4 new songs recorded ready to release online very soon. Keep your eyes peeled (sunbirds.bandcamp.com)! 2 of them we recorded with local Adelaide production wizard Matt Hills, and 2 we recorded at home. You will be able to tell the difference.
This year won't be too full of gigging for us, but we're planning on writing/recording/experimenting.
Q: Any parting words?
Be kind, eat kind, live kind. - J Simionato
Also I really like the name of this blog.