Eis que uma nova e ótima cena vem se formando no México.
Ótimas bandas tem surgido de lá fazendo um belo barulho. É o caso do Bleak Boys. Pegando firme na sonoridade clássica noventista, juntamente shoegazer, guitar bands com uma boa dosagem de noise, os caras soltaram ano passado o Ep Corrosive, nome mais apropriado impossível.
Ótimas bandas tem surgido de lá fazendo um belo barulho. É o caso do Bleak Boys. Pegando firme na sonoridade clássica noventista, juntamente shoegazer, guitar bands com uma boa dosagem de noise, os caras soltaram ano passado o Ep Corrosive, nome mais apropriado impossível.
Barulheira das boas expondo também um grande apelo pop envolto as distorções generalizadas.
Um grande começo pro Bleak Boys e ficamos no aguardo do segundo passo que vem em breve.
***** Interview with Bleak Boys *****

Q. When did Bleak Boys starts tell us about the history...
Bleak boys originally started in 2011 in aguascalientes, throughout the recording process of a studio project by Cesar Saldivar and Juan Corona. They wanted to portray different sounds to which they were currently working with, for which they decided to gather up and work on some tracks they had. After an - out of the blue - gig, they decided to formerly work on this new band. Eventually, they asked Noel Legaspi and Paco Chamaco to join in 2013; that's when the band formerly began since we all four work really great together.
Q: Who are your influences?
Glenn Branca, The Smiths, Stockhausen, Neu!, Faust, Sex Pistols, Sonic Youth, A Place to Bury Strangers, Cri Cri and else...
Q. Made a list of 5 albums of all time…
Daydream Nation
Neu! 75
Never mind the bollocks here's the Sex Pistols
Velvet Underground and Nico
More songs about buildings and food
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Sick... Nah, just like if it was the last few minutes of our lives probs...
Q. How do you describe Bleak Boys´ sounds?
Corrosive. We like doing experiments with sound and vision difusely.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
It's dull. Generally we don't come up with songs jamming or during rehearsals. One of us comes with an idea, or probs a demo, then we start working on that, plus experimenting with sounds, effects and all that glitz. In studio, well, we enjoy recording what we have been working on during rehearsals, but eventually we bring all those sounds to different levels, since in studio you have a huge opportunity to work with different amps, pedals or mic configurations... even rooms or spaces...
Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Perfect Pussy Cloud Nothings Nothing Metz Eagulls Viet cong
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
Velvet Underground Fleetwood Mac Roy Orbison Wire
Q: What´s the plans for future....
We are currently working on our second EP, also we would like to tour this 2015 in our country and abroad. We will go to LA to play a gig with Nothing and other bands on January; hopefully it's a gate for new chances...
Q: Any parting words?
I wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other side god knows i'll see you, see you on the other side, yeah i'm gonna see you. see you on the other side
This is the right one mate. Hope you have a fantastic 2015, big hug!