Pegue a classe, a elegância e o requinte de Paul Weller e seu Style Council e imagine sendo misturado com a class of 86 e acrescente um pouco de Ride, fase Goiing Black Again.
A química seria o surgimento do Allie´s Dope, italianos em busca da canção perfeita. O duo Allie´s Dope acabou de debutar com o ep Beauteous há questão de quatro dias atrás, um belíssimo início pros caras.
Canções ensolaradas e para elevar o bem estar, e o futuro começa a brilhar pros caras.
***** Interview with Allie´s Dope *****

Q. When did Allie´s Dope started, tell us about the history...
(Davide speaking) Well, we have a quite strange plot..at the very beginning the band was born as b-side project..I already had another band but at that time I felt the desire of not be anchored anymore to the music I’ve always been binded to. I mean, the background was hard rock, blues and so on..I was 18 more or less and suddently that happened. What I partly denied in the past turned out to be my main source of inspiration. So I started getting closer to what we call “indie rock”, closer to new wave bands, psychedelia and experimental music..and of course I discovered shoegaze. This happened to me but let me explain something about my fellows: when we started we were a four piece band and more folk oriented, even all the influences above mentioned where there. Lorenzo Gaibazzi was at the drums, and Lucy Rose Eviston our singer. After embracing totally the idea of changing our music Alessandro and I decided to go on with the project without them. We still are good friends. So I found myself playing the guitar, singing and using a drum machine, while Alessandro had a lot to do with his guitar to fill our sound. Playing as a duo can be really difficult, but when it works..it’s pure magic.
Q: Who are your influences?
We both grew up with hard rock, that’s it. From Whitesnake to Def Leppard, Scorpions and so on..we both are jazz and blues lovers (Chet Baker, Robert Johnson, Django Reinhardt, Bill Evans, Jim Hall, Miles Davis and many more) ..and sometimes this influence comes up in our music. Now, speaking of me I’m more into alternative music, from classic indie rock (Arctic Monkeys, The strokes) to stoner (QOTSA), darkwave such as The Cult, early indie bands like The Smiths. I’m also into King Crimson, David Bowie, Tocotronic, Style council and Paul Weller. Last but not least shoegaze/dream pop/krautrock (My bloody valentine, Ride, JAMC, Slowdive, TOY, Faust). I also like to bring in our music electro stuff (mainly the drums)..so why not name stuff like Washed out and Neon indians. Alessandro is instead a huge John Mayer and John Butler fan! He enjoys The Maccabees, TDCC and Black Keys! You see these are very different musicians, but we can find a path as we are very open.
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
I will answer considering the music we make with Allie’s Dope rather than our own personal favourite list:
Going blank again-Ride
Café bleu- Style council
Given to the wild-Maccabees
Lonerism-Tame Impala
Q. How do you feel playing live?
We feel just fine! That’s the best thing of all the process, the best way to express ourselves and our sounds. We always feel extremely good when we know we have a gig. We consider the fact that in our country it’s much more diffucult for us to find where to play,if we were in other countries it would be different and we’d really love to play abroad! Anyway, It’s funny because even if we do our songs the whole live is a sort of big jam between me and Alessandro..we never know what’s going to happen or when we’ll decide to finish. Playing live is for us a “conscious hallucination”.
Q. How do you describe Allie´s Dope sounds?
Let’s say something funny: if Pat Metheny would make love with The Maccabees Allie’s Dope would be the baby. Ah and Bill Frisell would be the uncle! No, seriously, we’re melodic and atmospheric, sometimes more noisey, sometimes more surfy.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
Our process is a continuous exchange of ideas. It starts out from a jam or a personal idea. Then we build up the rest. For recordings, we choose the songs among a bunch of tunes that we wrote and that we consider suitable to record. Everything is basically set, however we often change something during the recordings..that’s why we love this experience..the production of our songs goes beyond the basic structure and adding fiils to that particular song..we’re a lot into improvisation without fixed rules. Some takes are bad, but others..big moments! We consider recording as a creative tool, not only a way to fix and crystallize a song that you made.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
First of all My invisible friends! They’re our friends and we live in the same town. We also shared a concert together, and I hope we will do that again! They released awesome psych-shoegaze stuff! Check ‘em out! Another band I would like to mention is Man is not a bird..nice music!
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
It would be interesting to take a jazzy song that we love and play it in our own style..we did so in the past but we’d love to do that more consciously in order to give a real shape to a cover with our style. Maybe a dreamy/ambient sounding tune from Bill Frisell would sound good..
Q: What´s the plans for future....
Our goal would be playing shows in other countries..small venues, maybe..which we really appreciate. We know it’s not easy but we like to know new people and realities..and playing abroad would be the best. For now, the main plan consists in promoting our debut Ep and play where we can..we will by the way continue to write new stuff for whatever the future brings and for our gigs.
Q: Any parting words?
Buy our Ep if you want to support us and if you find yourselves into our tunes!
We keep dreaming with you all..a bit of luck to everyone
and be curious! Thanks