quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2018

Path with Kraus - An Interview

Will Kraus é um nova iorquino apaixonado por música em sua essência, mas o shoegaze certamente atingiu os tímpanos e o coração do rapaz bem no centro, como uma tijolada a mil por hora no meio do crânio.

Tanto que seu projeto, Kraus, onde ele debutou recentemente com o poderoso "Path", é pura fritação. As eloquências de um MBV ou Medicine explodem intensamente em cada uma das doze chicotadas em formas sonoras, ainda há espaço para uma nítida conexão com os Pumpkins e claro, com o Dinosaur Jr., mas as referências são muito mais implícitas do que explicitadas.

Um disco a ser conferido e degustado sequencialmente ou em doses espaçadas, dependendo obviamente do seu estado psíquico.

Um dos grandes discos gazers do ano, fácil.

***** Interview with Kraus *****

Q. When did Kraus begin? Tell us about the history...
1. in early 2016 in new york. i had been producing and making music for a long time but i had the conception for end tomorrow in my head and i put this moniker together to accommodate that record once it was done.

Q: Who are your influences?
2. too many to name and i dont feel thoughtful enough right now to put together a good list. before anything im a fan of music and anything that i have listened to that i love deeply will unconciously seep in as an influence. but while i write this im listening to brock van wey and i was reading some about him and he seems like a cool person and talented musician who thinks about art the right way.

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
3. a while ago i would put lists like this together in my head for fun and sorta in anticipation of this question but lately any ranking of music doesnt make dammm sense to me

Q. How do you feel playing live?
4. its changing, used to mostly get in a really wound up and regrettable headspace but occasionally i would feel present and fulfilled. the balance has been shifting more towards the latter and im trying to keep that going and focus more on connecting with people.

Q. How do you describe Kraus´ sounds?
5. one thing i almost always love when im listening to music is when i hear a sound and i cant really figure out what it is. something amorphous where i cant just sort out in my head "oh that's a synth, that's an electric guitar" etc. in this project i try to make a lot of sounds like that so hopefully textural and like an expression of myself and my feelings

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
6. the technical process revolves mostly around making a sound that i like and writing a song around it or writing a song i like and wrapping a sound around it. the emotional process of making music in a serious way can be frustrating or extremely rewarding to the point that it's given me a lot the moments in my life where i feel the best about myself. but it's always challenging and grown me i think. im glad to have allocated all the time i have to it even though ive ruined so many days of my life staring at a computer screen and leaving the house at in a weird music daze

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
7. model/actriz, per a youtube description: "nothing but amazing feelings and liberation". katie dey's records blew me away and are so creative. lxve II by brandon cant dance is one of the most overlooked albums ik. bonzo is opening for us and are really good, wished bone great, karman voh great, euphoria again's "the mouse rides on". pinky's song "happy place". nick das's song on the heels of and my brother jack "brick" kraus &&& others that im forgetting cause im running outta energy right not

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
8. not really sure. i just did an astrobrite one which was new for me. i dont really like doing covers at the moment but they've kinda been useful when i wanna practice recording or singing. it feels less exposing performing another person's work sometimes and i try to take those lessons back to my own stuff so maybe ill do more.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
9. new record, 2 upcoming tours.

Q: Any parting words?
10. its a hollow feeeeeeeelin knowing what your fiiiiiiiightin
