É sabido que a avalanche psych que assola o submundo dos bons sons e até mesmo o mainstream, é algo real e palpável, a cada dia, semana, mês, surgem mais e mais bandas encharcando seus sonhos e delírios em ondas pesadas de psicodelia, mas ao contrário da era flower power, o enfoque desse novo verão psicodélico é adequado aos dias atuais, negro, caótico e, claro, também sonhador e belo.
Um dos novos nomes que impressionou o TBTCI desde o primeiro contato, é o duo alemão, The Flaming Banshees. Só ao bater o nome é impossível não despertar um desejo imediato em ouvi-los. Afinal o nome resume a curiosidade, certo?
"Satan is a Farmer" primeiro trabalho dos caras, pode até ter toques darks, mas esta mais para os 'lábios flamejantes" de Oklahoma do que para o pós punk de Susan. Aliás, muito além disso, os caras na realidade são talvez uma doce e acústica colisão entre Nick Drake e Anton Newcombe.
Psicodelismo por entre experimentações sutis são o alimento que o The Flaming Banshees oferta a você.
Sirva-se sem moderação.
***** Interview with The Flaming Banshees *****
Q. When did The Flaming Banshees begin? Tell us about the history...
On a train platform in the middle of nowhere headed in the same direction...
Q: Who are your influences?
Nau, Can, Faust, Pink Floyd, Bobby Beausoleil, The Beatles
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
We've only made one album so far
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Its a one of a kind type of thing. The passing of emotional energy to the crowd and back again
is electric to say the least.
Q. How do you describe The Flaming Banshees´ sounds?
We never really tried to go in any certain direction regarding the style we play, probably why our first album "Satan Is A Farmer" has alot of different styles embedded.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
We are both pretty hands on, and have learned how to turn our enviroments into musical factories since we were young.
Specifically the first releases we had recorded in an improptu flat in Berlin, by the river. We were also very young and adventurous wink wink at the time so we don't have a clear memory of it to be honest. The time when an angry englishman was banging on the window screaming obscenities at 4 in the morning does stand out though...
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
Something exotic, maybe a South American folk song, or Indian love song.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
Play more shows, make more recordings, see exotic places, meet wonderful people.
Q: Any parting words?
"The power to create a better future lies in the present moment."