quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2017

Happy With a Shadow's Company with Paint The Echo - An Interview

Pense em um artista prolífico, criativo e inventivo dentro de seu próprio universo sonoro, pense ainda que este mesmo artista só em 2016 lançou cinco álbuns, e claro, todos passaram despercebidos da grande massa ,e, digo mais,, passaram despercebidos até mesmo pelo iniciados.

Estou falando do estadunidense Andrew Taylor e seu projeto Paint The Echo. Situando o Paint The Echo sonoramente podemos dizer que é um mix de chillwave e downtempo com a alma no dreampop cintilante. As referências são vastas, mesmo porque o trabalho do Paint The Echo não é uniforme, pelo contrário, há uma variedade enorme de conexões, muito pelos estudos de Andrew em ensinamentos de jazz.

Experimente se iniciar no mundo do Paint The Echo através do último trabalho, "Happy With a Shadow´s Company Pt.1 & 2, e escute atentamente como se estivesse lendo um livro, e se escute novamente. 

O Paint The Echo é daquelas bandas que o sabor fica melhor a cada apreciação.

***** Interview with Paint The Echo *****

Q. When did Paint The Echo start? Tell us about the history...
- Paint the Echo is a project of mine that I began last year. I am trained as a jazz musician and have played in jazz bands and orchestras with guitar. My main passion has always been music and I knew that I would always want to perform. I am currently the only member of Paint the Echo, I do occasionally bring in some friends to help out with vocals or percussion. All of my music is recorded with meager recording tools, but thats what gives it the sound it has.

Q: Who are your influences?
- My style of playing is influenced in many different ways and through different genres. But I'd say I am influenced by bands like The XX, Grizzly Bear, and Animal Collective. I also really love Flying Lotus but thats all on the Electronic side.

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
- This is a hard one. Don't give me heat for this.

1.Beach House, Beach house
2. To Pimp a Butterfly, Kendrick Lamar
3. You're Dead!, Flying Lotus
4. In Rainbows, Radiohead
5. Coexist, The XX

Q. How do you feel playing live?
- Easy, playing live is the best feeling on this planet.

Q. How do you describe Paint The Echo sounds?
- I honestly cant give you a 100% accurate answer for this. Its all over the place but it always seems to have a similar reverb guitar, Jazz chord progression for texture, and drum loop accumulation throughout each song giving it more chill sound. But thats just my opinion in writing it :)

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
- First I have to be in the right mood to write a song (most musicians know what I mean). Once I start writing I have to complete the song in one sitting because I create my music on the go and in a very improvised style (this sometimes calls for late nights and tired mornings).

To me the texture and feel of a song are the most important thing so before I add vocals or guitar I like to have a solid instrumental song in order to have more freedom to create the words the song is suppose to be about. But besides that, I go about it at a very quick pace which can be good or bad depending who is listening.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
- Im really digging Salami Rose Joe Luis right now. I found her while browsing bandcamp and she has one of the most unique voices. Her music is simple but portrays a lot of emotion for me and I want to meet her in person one day, haha. Check her out. https://salamirosejoelouismusic.bandcamp.com/releases

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
- Grizzly Bear. (For my next project id like to cover Deep Blue Sea. Very pretty song).

Q: What are your plans for the future?
- In the future Id like to add a bigger crew than just me in order to play more intricate shows :)

Q: Any parting words?
- I love to hear feedback from anyone, so if you like my music or hate it, please tell me why. (from my bandcamp email). This was my first interview so thanks for the opportunity!
