terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2017

Everything You Imagine Is Real with The Durty Wurks - An Interview

Pouco antes do dia de Natal no ano passado os escoceses prediletos daqui do TBTCI soltaram no mundo seu mais novo trabalho, "Everything You Imagine Is Real", simplesmente um saboroso alucinógeno sonoro, infectado logicamente pela influência de Anton Newcombe e seu BJM.

Inegavelmente os Durty Wurks além das óbvias matrizes psicodélicas sessentistas tem no BJM seu DNA.

O disco é arrastadamente viciante, como aquele momento pré alucinação durante a viagem de LSD, as canções vão te sugando e quando menos se espera você esta literalmente inserido dentro do álbum.

Uma viagem, mas uma boa viagem, escute alto, se é que você me entende....

***** Interview with The Durty Wurks *****

Q. Hello , first congratulations on the new EP, it's really brilliant, what is your analysis after conclusion of EP? Are you happy with the result? How was the process of creating Everything You Imagine Is Real? 
Thanks a lot! We are sincerely glad you like it, it genuinely means a lot, especially coming from you. We are extremely proud of 'Everything You Imagine Is Real' ourselves and are glad to release something a little more true to our own musical tastes. The way our own musical influences have come together on this EP is quite pleasing to us, a feat that has taken us some time to perfect but I suppose experimentation is all part of the fun!

I guess, no one likes to listen to their own music (do they?) but we feel even we can enjoy this record as it's very similar to the music we listen too in our own time.

Q. What are the main differences between Everything You Imagine Is Real and Strung Out On Heaven's High?
Well, as you know, we produce all our own stuff with very little knowledge, experience or equipment but creating this EP was a strangely seamless process. The songs, recordings, structures and melodies all came pretty naturally. We opted for a slightly more methodical approach to the layering of each track apposed to our usual live recordings of previous releases. The extra time and care spent on each track, we feel, has raised the quality of the recording as a whole and we couldn't be more happy with the outcome.

Q. What were the influences for creating the new album?
Apart from the recording process and overall sound, I guess the main difference between Everything You Imagine Is Real and our previous releases is the sheer fact that we have matured in life as well as a band, our 'trial and error' approach is beginning to pay off and we feel we are beginning to prove what we set out to initially, that real music is not dead, anyone can do it. We genuinely could hardly play our instruments when we first started, production wise 'Somebody's Got To Do It' is pretty ropey, we've never been shy of that. "Strung Out On Heaven's High" has some great pop songs but we can't help but feel we could have done it better. That been said, we are happy for people to see how we have progressed and how far we've come. If we were signed/manufactured band, no doubt, we would be 'advised' to remove some of our old stuff but we want people to appreciate it. We don't do anything, anyone else couldn't do, from the comfort of their own homes.

Q. What are your plans for 2017?
Well, 2016 has been a pretty shit year for most people but to be fair, it has helped shape a lot of the matters addressed on this record.'The World's Changed' is a song wrote in anger of the ways of the modern world and as a result of those ways, 'Insane' was wrote, (on a more personal note) regarding struggles with mental illness, a struggle more and more people seem to face these days. Besides losing one of our members, the death of many great musical influences and some bewildering political results, 2016 has given us two Durty Wurks releases and come to think of it, has been turbulent, sobering at times but mostly reassuring. We have gone from strength to strength and have the luxury of some really strong support from our fans. Also this EP has provided us with some encouraging glimpses into our future and to be honest, we can't wait to continue this momentum. We look forward to 2017 like kids do Christmas!
