Um mix nervoso de Skywave, J&MC, Astrobrite e tudo que existe de barulhento, ruidoso e caótico, este é exatamente o meio de descrever o projeto de Alberto intitulado Sundaze.
Seu ep de estreia é o devastador Ok/Then, contendo quatro exercício de white noise com muralhas de distorção e clima sombrio.
Seu ep de estreia é o devastador Ok/Then, contendo quatro exercício de white noise com muralhas de distorção e clima sombrio.
Um deleite para os fãs de noise.
***** Interview with Sundaze *****

Q. When did Sundaze started, tell us about the history...
Dicember 2013, for sure. I was playing some tunes in my small room in South London (I found really hard playing with other mates there at that time) so I decided to buy an audio interface to make my own music. There was a friend from my hometown jamming with me, I wrote 5 songs and I decided to record them, like a joke. It's been nice working on that EP fighting the boredom of my neighborhood. Then we played shows togheter
Q. How do you describe Sundaze sounds?
Like a mix of shoegaze and noise. Is a great soundtrack for a stroll through a busy urban area like Walworth one. Shoewave can be a nice word to describe it.
Q: What are your influences?
Moody things. If you speak about genres post-punk, shoegaze, lo-fi USA shit, and different kind of things. When I make music changes complitely, depends what's around me
Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Skywave - Echodrone
The Sound - Jeopardy
Blank Dogs - Under and Under
CCCP - Fedeli alla Linea
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Psychocandy, obviously
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Empathic, I mean you can share feelings with the people but at the same time you can also bring them into your world. Fast and loud.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
My room, and old '64 Eko's guitar, bass, and a shitty audio interface. Fuzz pedals always on, weed and fun as well. I played and recorded the tunes for hours just looking through the window.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended
Part-Time, Ex's, Naomi Punk, Pow!
Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
Mac DeMarco. I'm kidding.
Q: What´s the plan for the future....
Buy a skateboard but in the meantime I'm planning the release of a self titled EP. Just started a new solo project and I'm also jamming with some locals in Amsterdam.
Q: Any parting words?
cheers xx whatever
Pics Credits
Rebecca Griffiths (photo 1,)
Olivia D'Orazi (photo 2, photo 3)