terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015

House of Rising Sun with Heaters - An Interview

Psicodelismo 60´s com altas doses de BJM e assim caminham como uma das mais novas belas bandas da anova psicodelia, os estadunidenses do Heaters em seu debute Solstice  pega Animals e afins e os tele transportam para os dias atuais.

Um caleidoscópio multicolorido em fragmentos de acidez, fazendo da audição uma viagem completa.

Essencial para os fãs de psych.

***** Interview with Heaters *****

Q. When did Heaters started, tell us about the history...
Andrew and I (Nolan) were good friends in high school, split up for a couple years during college, and met up in Grand Rapids in 2013, where we met Josh. We all had interest in working on a music project together, so we rented a house and started writing and recording.

Q: Who are your influences?
We're into a lot of different music, so I think we take cues from a lot of different places. Definitely older guitar-driven rock, Duane Eddy, T-Rex, the Ventures, stuff like that.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…

That would take a while to figure out. Five we've been listening to lately, however:
"You Know What To Do," The Shivas;
"Parallel Moments," Jade TV;
"Les Marinellis," Les Marinellis;
"Meddle," Pink Floyd;
"Can't Get No," Dead Ghosts.

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Usually pretty into it! Definitely love playing live.

Q. How do you describe Heaters sounds?
Ooh, that's probably a task best left to others.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
We have a pretty basic recording setup at home that we have recorded some of our songs with, but right now we're recording a full-length with our friends Austin Kane and James Allen in their unheated basement.

Q. Which new bands do you recommended
The Mystery Lights, Flesh Panthers, Uh Bones, Moonwalks, Jade TV, The Omecs, Spike and the Sweet Spots, Les Marinellis, Sandkings - lots of great music out there.

Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version of?
Canned Heat or The Animals.

Q: What´s the plan for the future....
Recording and touring, kind of on repeat for a while.

Q: Any parting words?
Love yer blog!
