Vamos pensar da seguinte forma, quando você pesquisa de verdade sobre uma banda, que é exatamente o que acontece aqui nestas páginas, e simplesmente você dá de cada com o seguinte: quesito influências, daí, estão listados de forma curta e grossa, Anton Newcombe, Syd Barrett e Lou Reed.....
Qual a atitude a tomar? Precisa mesmo escrever alguma coisa? É pegadinha?
Qual a atitude a tomar? Precisa mesmo escrever alguma coisa? É pegadinha?
Basicamente no caso dos australianos do The Walking Who é jogo ganho, serve apenas pra ilustrar e exemplificar o que te espera. Tipo assim, pega o Ep Mansions do ano passado e deixa rolar, aposto com você que nos primeiros acordes de Rita, faixa de abertura, vem direto na cabeça BJM e daí meu camarada, sem chance de volta, porque primeiro, a referência é lógica e serve de armadilha pra você correr atrás de alguma coisa pra beber e deixar fluir...
Complementando, vem material novo, e eu digo mais, tem alguma coisa nas águas australianas que eu preciso dar um jeito de tomar.....
***** Interview with The Walking Who *****

Q. When did The Walking Who starts tell us about the history...
We started playin together a few years ago after meeting at a party. There was a bunch of instruments set up, everyone playing songs, and we eventually just ended up playing together. From there we made a record or two, played a whole bunch of shows and here we are.
Q: Who are your influences?
We all bring something new and different to the table from our own influences, but together we're influenced by strange people, saunas and Lewiside.
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Couldn't even begin to cram it all into just 5 albums, but at a glance at the 5 records on reg rotation in my house would be:
Iggy Pop 'Lust For Life'
Neil Young 'On the Beach'
George Harrison 'All Things Must Pass'
Sade 'Diamond Life'
Fleetwood Mac 'Rumours'
Q. How do you feel playing alive?
It varies from show to show and venue to venue. Generally, it's like blacking out. You start, there's a mental blank, then it's over
Q. How do you describe The Walking Who sounds?
Sounds like Neo-Krautrock spacesynth dream-pop with more of that north eastern Turkey influence.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
For our new record we all went up to Byron Bay in Northern NSW to record together in the country. We spent the better part of a month up there, once we had the songs we came back to Sydney to finish up. The country - city environment really had an effect on the sound of the record.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
The Pinheads, You Beauty, Unknown Mortal Orchestra,
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
I'd really like to cover Iggy Pop's 'Lust For Life' or maybe 'The Passenger'. Sick songs ay
Q: What´s the plans for future....
Release a dope video for 'With Roses', release a dope ass record and just generally keep on keepin' on
Q: Any parting words?
Fat bottomed girls, You make the rocking world go round
Thanks guys