Amen Dunes capitaneado por Damon McMahon um trovador aos moldes de Barret e Will Oldham, gravando pela altamente cultuado Sacred Bone Records o cara com seu novo album Love vem com participações de um monte de gente do submundo, pessoal do God Speed You Black Emperor, Iceage, ao contrário dos seus albuns anteriores no qual ele travava a insólita batalha de registrar seu folk apocaliptico e negro apenas consigo mesmo.
Love esta mais experimental e menos digamos velvetiano, mas a verve do Amen Dunes esta inteirinha nele, só que de forma mais caótica.
Tanto faz, porque o Amen Dunes é predileto e ponto.
***** Interview with Amen Dunes *****

Q. When did Amen Dunes starts, tell us about the history...
It started in 2006 when I recorded the music that would become DIA in a trailer home in the western Catskills. It wasn't intended for release but Locust Music really liked it. I was living in china though by the time he heard it so it didn't get released until 2009 when I moved back to nyc.
Q: Who are your influences?
A million, but I always think of AD as Bob Dylan filtered through Throbbing Gristle. But it widely ranges from Nas to Judee Sill to Eyehategod to Dead C to Underworld
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Big star - sister lovers
Love - forever changes
Rolling Stones - exile on Main Street
Grateful dead - American beauty
Las - Las
Q. How do you fell playing alive? I try and be open and give something to people, I try and give off energy.
Q. How do you describe Amen Dunes sounds?
Alien elemental song
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
I normally wait until an energy hits me and then I just find an instrument and open my voice up and something comes out. I often reshape or interpret the words later
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Of popular bands I really just like two Kurt Vile and Iceage - I also love a lot Chicago stuff, Lil Bibby, Chief Keef that whole world. I love the new Wiz Khalifa video too. Then I love Hank Wood and the Hammerheads, and a lot of electronic music, most things Alter, Firecracker Recordings, and Posh Isolation put out.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
Well I just did a This Mortal Coil cover for a new EP coming out in early 2015 that I'm pretty psyched about, did it with my friend Ben Greenberg.
Q: What´s the plans for future.... Touring for the rest of this year, then I'm going to LA in December to start writing the new album. Might go to China/SE Asia in early 2015, and then we start recording the new LP which we hope to have out about a year from now.
Q: Any parting words?
Nothing is better than Bob Dylan and the Beatles.
Thanks Damon