quarta-feira, 26 de julho de 2017

Sunset Exit with Tokyo Tea Room - An Interview

O quinteto inglês da cidade de Kent, Tokyo Tea Room, comprova que existe vida inteligente no indie pop, sem soar clichê ou pré fabricado, a banda cria suas melodiosas canções com pitadas de melancolia, doses de psicodelismo, com nítidas referências ao Radiohead no início de seu trajetória, mas ficam apenas nas referências, o TTR vai por caminhos próprios, cativando a cada audição, experimente a deliciosa "Like a Drug" e sinta o elixir viciante.

"Sunset Exit" é o primeiro aperitivo para o novo EP "Another Place, Another Time" que virá ao mundo em 19 de Agosto.

Se depender do Tokyo Tea Room, o indie estará a salvo.

***** Interview with Tokyo Tea Room *****

Q. When did Tokyo Tea Room start? Tell us about the history...
A: I was writing songs as a bedroom project and then after meeting some like-minded musicians at uni in 2014 we decided to put them in the context of a band and it went from there. Graham our guitarist joined later to complete the quintet and its stayed the same ever since.

Q: Who are your influences?
A: I take inspiration sonically from Radiohead and Bombay Bicycle Club. I respect their work so much and enjoy every listen. I think Radiohead are the biggest influence on the new EP, they are so varied from album to album and manage to be so unique. They are a band I aspire to be like.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
A: I listen to a wide variety of music and I couldn't really say just five because there are so many to love. But off the top of my head I can think of… In no particular order:
I Had The Blues But Shook Them Loose - Bombay Bicycle Club
In Rainbows - Radiohead
Oracular Spectacular - MGMT
The Colourful Life - Cajun Dance Party
Songs For The Deaf - Queen Of The Stone Age

Q. How do you feel playing live?
A: Playing live is always a pleasure, its so enjoyable. When the audience is having a good time I'm having a good time.

Q. How do you describe Tokyo Tea Room sound?
A: I would describe our sound as a blend of rock and pop nowadays, it has its gritty moments and its blissed out moments.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
A: Generally we record everything separately starting with the drums, then bass, then guitar and finally vocals. It can vary depending on peoples availability. Everything tends to get chopped up in the mixing process and our songs end up becoming a collage of music rather than a performance.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
A: We gig around Canterbury a lot with our friends who are in bands such as: Paisley Mess, The Primals, Tin Foil Astronaut, Dreamweaver, Spanish Infanta and The Machiavellis. Big-up the Canterbury scene innit.

Q: Which band would you love to make a cover version of?
A: Personally I’d quite like to play bass in a Motown band or maybe guitar in a Nirvana tribute. Something where I'm either playing some smooth funky bass lines or thrashing some heavy fuzzed out guitar, that would be fun.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: We are playing some gigs around Kent and beyond, then release our new EP on the 19th of August, we’re going to have a huge party to celebrate.

Q: Any parting words?
I've been Dan from TTR thanks for reading. Check us out on Facebook, twitter soundcloud etc. We just released a track off our upcoming EP called ‘Sunset Exit’ which you can stream here - Thanks again, have a good day.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tokyotearoom
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/tokyotearoom
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tokyotearoom