domingo, 16 de julho de 2017

Blurred Harmony with The Parson Red Heads - An Interview

Este é um momento que o TBTCI separou especialmente para que você inicie uma semana com os melhores fluídos e vibrações possíveis.

Pense em Big Star, Byrds, Teenage Fanclub, Luna, pense em harmonias perfeitas, pense em canções deliciosamente assobiáveis, grudentas e com um astral exalando amor, positivismo e bem estar. Todas essas belas características fazem parte do quarto trabalho do The Parson Red Heads,

Nessa turbulenta vida que levamos, melhor seguir o que o The Parson Red Heads sugerem, como diz a letra de "Coming Down"," I´m alright, I´m alright, I´m alright.." e é isso aí, boas vibrações e tenham uma ótima semana.

***** Interview with The Parson Red Heads *****

Q. When did The Parson Red Heads start? Tell us about the history...
We started back in 2003 - 2004. I met Sam in college. We discovered we loved the same kind of music, and had an immediate friendship. Started talking about forming a band. My friends from high school, Anastasia and Brette (who I later married), played bass and drums, so we just started up playing! The lineup went through various changes over the years, especially once we moved down to LA in late 2005. But Sam, Brette, and myself have always been at the core of it. Once we moved to LA, that's when things really took off - we played a LOT, every show we could get our hands on, and practiced and recorded a bunch, too. That's when we really started taking it seriously. And we've just kept at it since then!

Q: Who are your influences?
We have so many various influences, and I feel like they've changed over the years, but I think the major ones right now are bands like Teenage Fanclub, The Jayhawks, The Feelies, The Beatles, The Byrds, Wilco, Beachwood Sparks ... these are probably not surprises to you! We have a lot of other influences, but I think those are major ones that you can really hear in the music, too.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
So difficult!!!
At this very moment (and it could change at any time), I'd say top 5 albums:
1. The Beatles - Abbey Road
2. The Beatles - Revolver
3. Luna - Penthouse
4. The Blue Nile - A Walk Across The Rooftops
5. The Byrds - Notorious Byrds Bros

Q. How do you feel playing live?
I LOVE playing live. One of my favorite things to do! It's so fun to entertain people, to play our songs for them, and just to meet so many interesting and wonderful people when we travel and play live. The songs really take on a life of their own, too, when we play them live, and I really like that.

Q. How do you describe The Parson Red Heads sounds?
I think an apt description is ... Power Pop mixed with cosmic american music, maybe? We aren't quite americana, but we have that flair occasionally. I think we are more power pop / jangle pop. Maybe folk-rock is the best answer, haha.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
Recording - this album, we recorded everything ourselves at my house. We just setup a make-shift studio in my den and tracked everything there, with some overdubbing down in Sam's basement. But we were really in charge of all the tracking and recording, and then we handed it off to our good friend Danny O'Hanlon to mix it all after we tracked it. Which was great, he made it sound really beautiful!

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Favorite newer bands right now - GospelbeacH (featuring Brent from beachwood Sparks), Michael Nau (solo stuff from the singer from Cotton Jones), Eyelids (a local Portland band, really fantastic power-pop / paisley underground sort of music)

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
Every year we cover one album from beginning to end - we love playing Tom Petty albums, or Beatles albums. I dream of covering George Harrison's big album "All Things Must Pass" someday. But it would be very difficult!!

Q: What are your plans for the future?
Hopefully just continuing to record and put out music that people like and care about, and playing shows whenever we can ... we are so happy just playing and recording at our own pace, putting out songs that we are proud of and that people enjoy!