quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2015

Sunny Sunday Smile with Waving - An Interview

Outro beleza vinda da Austrália, o Waving e seu debute homônimo lançado em junho agora é uma audição certeira e cheia de frescor.

Ecos de class of 86 e MBV pré Ins´t Anything são sentidos durante as 10 deliciosas faixas do disquinho.

Para ouvir alto e curtindo paisagens ensolaradas.

***** Interview with Waving *****

Q. When did Waving started, tell us about the history...
Waving started about two years ago I guess. I released an EP under the name Airling and started writing songs for an album not long after that. I was toying with finding a new singer for a long time but my writing style never really allowed for that to happen. It's just a solo DIY project and probably always will be but I try to make it sound like a full band as much as I can.

Q: Who are your influences?
My influences are fairly varied and changed quite a bit over the two years of recording. I listened to bands like Weezer, Silversun Pickups and the Pains of Being Pure at Heart which made me obsessed with fuzz. I also listened to more synthesised bands like Postiljonen, Electric Youth and the Belinda Butchers which led me to include a bit synth.

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Top Albums. In no particular order:
Sigur Ros - Takk...
The Books - Lost And Safe
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
Lotel - The Lost Thing
Nick Drake - Pink Moon

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Well, I don't play live with Waving so I guess I can't really answer this question. I do play drums live with the band Lunaire though and I really love it. I've never really played guitar live or any other instrument but I think drums would be my favourite. Drums was my first instrument and I don't get to practice loudly when I'm at home so I like to give them a good bash live.

Q. How do you describe Waving sounds?
I would describe Waving's sound as fairly varied. Each song was written and recorded at a different time spread over two years so there's a lot of variance in recording set ups and writing influences. But there's a shoegaze sound that connects them altogether I think. It's fuzzy, noisy, melodic and a bit funky.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ? The recording process was very sporadic. I would usually start with a guitar part and structure and then add little bits and pieces when they came to me. Usually I would only try to record drums when I know for sure the song is a keeper. After drums I'll do over dubs and vocals. Then spend months and months mixing and then maybe completely scrap it or start again haha! That only happened twice I think.

Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
I would recommend everyone listen to EGO and their track Moon because then they might make some more music https://egomusictime.bandcamp.com/releases

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
I'd like to do a cover of the Bee Gees song Alone. I reckon it would work well in a shoegazey sort of style.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
I don't really have too many plans for the future. If I can work out how to operate Ableton I'd like to do more electronic stuff. I'd really like to create a dream/synth pop record at some stage so I think that might be next.

Q: Any parting words?
Hope that's cool! Couldn't think of any parting words
