terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017

Sophomore with Junkee Girl - An Interview

Nada como a juventude não é mesmo!?!? Pouco ou quase nada interessa a não ser curtir a vida adoidado como profetizou John Hughes através de seu personagem mais emblemático, Mr. Ferris Bueller.

E é nesse clima de matar aulas, alopração geral, e muita barulheira com ares noventistas, que o quarteto de Chicago, Junkee Girl exprime suas idéias. "Sophomore" é o debute deles e a cada canção cresce aquela vontade imensa de ir pra rua e simplesmente viver, sem se preocupar com contas, futuro, ou qualquer coisa que dê lá muita dor de cabeça, o negócio é aumentar o som e com euforia nível extremo, se jogar em qualquer bar, inferninho e curtir a vida.

Se por ventura você acha que a vida esta um saco, experimente o Junkee Girl agora mesmo e seja mais feliz.

***** Interview with Junkee Girl *****

Q. When did Junkee Girl start? Tell us about the history...
A: Junkee Girl started when I (Juan Jauregui) was in high school sophomore year. I wanted to start a band. So I got my friend Allan Cardenas to help me record an album. He ended up being a songwriter/ member. We then recruited Daniel Lasek to bang drums and Jessica Perez to slap bass. We released Sophomore on Halloween in 2015 and started playing a lot of house shows and venues.

Q: Who are your influences?
A: The Beatles/ George Washington

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time
A: Loaded by The Velvet Underground
All Things Must Pass by George Harrison
Here Comes Everybody by The Wake
MBV by My Bloody Valentine
Pinkerton by Weezer

Q. How do you feel playing live?
A: The feeling is a mix of vomit and euphoria.

Q. How do you describe Junkee Girl sounds?
A: Dorky fuzz

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs
A: We usually first all learn the songs Allan and I (Juan) write and just jam to it until we get something full. We then record it ourselves at Allan's house. Straight do it yourself. That's what we did for our last record Sophomore. This time around we want to actually record in actual studio with producers and stuff.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
A: I recommend Bur. They're from Chicago and they sound like stars making love to each other while aliens watch. They have the potential to be a huge band.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
A: Boys Don't Cry by The Cure

Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: Record album number 2, get signed to label and tour like crazy.

Q: Any parting words?
A: You ain't seen nothing yet.
