quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2013
Common Era with Perpetual Heat - An Interview
Minimal, shoegazer, dream pop, pos punk, tudo condensado na música de Bj Dierkes, ou Perpetual Heat.
Soft Slope lancado em maio do ano passado, demonstra exatamente a que vem o Perpetual Hear, doses e camadas de grandes nomes da Kranky Records como Labradford, Jessamine, Belong entre outros.
Sonoridade para sua tranquilidade e instropecão plena, música feita para a alma, e obviamente que o TBTCI não poderia deixar escapar tamanho auto niilismo.
Sem maiores explicacões, sugiro a leitura do que é o Perpetual Heat pelo seu criador.
Q. When did Perpetual Heat get started, tell us about the history…
Perpetual Heat is really a continuation of solo projects that I have been working on for several years. Awhile back I would post things to MySpace under different monikers (Sudden Stars Lentamente) Finally, a couple of years ago I decided on the name Perpetual Heat and that is what I use for all of my solo-ish recordings now.
Q: Who are your musical influences?
It’s just so tough because depending on what you are writing, you may be thinking about a particular song but because of the mood instead of the actual sounds. So the influence is more abstract. Having said that, I really like Phil Elverum (Microphones/Mt Eerie). Unwound. Clipd Beaks. Les Savy Fav. Low. Jesu. And so many others.
Q. What are your top 5 albums of all time?
Let’s go with these for the moment:
Unwound – Repetition
Women – s/t
Tim Hecker – Harmony in Ultraviolet
Belong – Common Era
Clipd Beaks – Preyers EP
Q. How do you describe Perpetual Heat's sound?
I describe it as odd pop with touches of electronic elements, ambient sound, and noise.
Q: Tell us about the writing and recordingprocess?
I really do most of the recording at home with a pretty minimal setup. I like using a small amount of tools and see what I can do with them. Usually that entails a drum machine, guitars, synth, and my laptop.
Q. Being that Perpetual Heat is a solo project, do you ever play live?
I have this idea that for each new release I would like to play a single show. It worked really well the first time but since I have other bands that I am in and play lots of shows with them it has proven to be a bit more difficult. I would still like to do that in the future though.
Q. Which new bands would you recommended, or what are you listening to right now?
I really like he new Pharmakon record. This new tape by a band called Little Spoon is really good. Iceage’s new album has been playing a lot in my world. Also, The Body’s new album is amazing. And the Run the Jewels album that came out this year is great.
Q: If you were to make a cover, what band or song might you want to recreate?
I’ve wanted to cover Yo la Tengo – Deeper Into Movies for a while. I might just to that.
Q: What are the future plans for Perpetual Heat?
More music for sure. I would also like to play another show with some of the new songs I have released. And I would really like to see what would happen if I took some of my newer tracks into a studio with someone that actually knows how to record.
Q: Any parting words?
Thanks for letting me talk about this project. I really love making music and I hope I can continue to make interesting things for people to listen to.
Thanks BJ Dierkes
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quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013
Cities in Dust with Pinn´d - An Interview

Darkwave, coldwave, minimal, sexy até dizer chega!! Isto é Pinn´d, um duo de meninas daquelas saca? Nancy Walters e Mmdelai são as duas beldades que comandam a seducão.
Acabaram de lancar um cassete homônimo que saiu via Vagueness Records.
Acabaram de lancar um cassete homônimo que saiu via Vagueness Records.
Meus caros, essas meninas promete, por ora, sugiro a leitura ao som delas próprias.
***** Interview with Pinn´d *****

We met each other late last year at a party, and decided to meet up for a jam. Writing the tracks happened really easy and we quickly had this EP together, so we just kept going. We click really well, so we always have heaps of fun and get things done quickly.
Q: Who are your influences?
Nancy comes from a backyard blues type background, she's into blues in a big way. Annemarie listens to a music diet of electronica, mainly bands like Keep Shelly in Athens, Bonobo, UNKLE.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
War stories (UNKLE)
Q. How do you feel playing alive?
We only have a few gigs under our belt, we have heaps of fun, we rev ourselves up before we go on stage, jump up and down or something haha. have some whisky! We go hunting for crazy clothes before every gig, so fun!
Q. How do you describe Pinn'd sounds?
Dark electronica, groovey, soulful... creepy
We wrote the tracks while we were recording them, most of them were written when we were in a crazy/productive mood. We wrote "Free time" when we were meant to be recording a promo video... which is why we're jumping around the room in that video haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ago7nGKVZMs
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Keep Shelly in Athens are my favourite at the mo, infact anything on the Cascine label is awesome
Doprah are an amazing NZ band who deserve millions of cred...http://doprah.bandcamp.com/
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
We've done a cover of I put a spell on you which we play live, hopefully we'll upload a recording soon!
Q: What´s the plans for future....
Getting the word out about the music, playing gigs, more writing/recording, building a following.... playing with Peaches in London! haha
Q: Any parting words?
We have cassettes available now! get amongst :) http://vaguenessrecords.bandcamp.com/album/pinnd-ep
terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013
Weissensee with Papir - An Interview
Free jazz,kraut, psych, improvisacão, maluquices, lisergia, piracão, eis que o TBTCI volta a sua raiz, depois de um período fora do ar, por motivos claros, o ECAZ agora é a casa do TBTCI, então é justifícavel, certo? Óbvio que sim.....
Agora separei o retorno pra desgracar de vez os psych maníacos de plantão, porque os dinamarqueses do Papir são daqueles iguarias que vem de tempos em tempos, Kraftwerk, Ash Ra Temple, NEU!, Spacemen 3, VU e tudo que soar esquisito e inovador faz parte do poder de ataque dos caras, o debut Stundum é daqueles albuns que você vai escutando e vai necessitando de psicotrópicos, porque é inerente o vicio do negócio, não há como sair ileso.
Como eu sempre digo, o TBTCI não é recomendado a indie kids, tampouco a pessoas que sofrem com dependência, porque o Papir causa dependência sim, mas é só você vir preparado, traga seus drinks e demais acessórios e fique a vontade, e para elucidar tudo isso, deixo a palavra com os gnomos do Papir.
Como eu sempre digo, o TBTCI não é recomendado a indie kids, tampouco a pessoas que sofrem com dependência, porque o Papir causa dependência sim, mas é só você vir preparado, traga seus drinks e demais acessórios e fique a vontade, e para elucidar tudo isso, deixo a palavra com os gnomos do Papir.
Q. When did Papir starts, tell us about the history...
The three of us have played together in different constellations for many years now. We used to play with a singer, but as you can probably imagine – it can be very difficult for a singer to jam with instrumentalists. So when the last singer decided to quite the band, we started taking the processes of jam a lot more serious. Not that we didn’t jam back then, but now we had somehow come to the realization – that instrumental, jam-based music, was the kind of music that we’ve always wanted to play.
Q: Who are your influences?
There are probably a lot! Guess the experimental part of the whole krautrock movement is quite important to us. From the funky and intense grooves of Can to the pastoral psychedelicisms and ambient drone scapes of band like Neu! And Harmonia to the more freaked out jams of bands like Ash Ra Temple and Guru Guru. Then there is the electric Miles Davis periode. And there is the importance of proto post rock groups such as Talk Talk and Dif Juz. But we also just really dig all time classic rock groups like the Doors, Rolling Stones and Hendrix of course.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Ash Ra Temple – Join Inn
Cocteau Twins – Heaven or Las Vegas
Talk Talk – Spirit of Eden
Love – Out There
Harmonia - Live 74
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
We LOVE playing live! That’s what it is all about. The live situation can be very useful for us as a way to try out more improvised and unfinished stuff. It really means lot and it is difficult to compare the energy of playing in front of an audience to anything else. Sometimes everything just melts together – the sound, the energy from the music and the energy from the people in the audience. It’s is a quite unique feeling.
Q. How do you describe Papir sounds?
We don’t. Well, the description “psychedelic postrock” may seem fitting in some ways, but we don’t really think much about words and descriptions, since it’s about the MUSIC and about feeling the music.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
“Stundum” and “III” are both recorded in a house in northern part of Denmark – far away from civilization and everyday life. We spent a week recording one album. We also had Jonas Munk (Causa Sui, Manual ect.) with us, recording and mixing the albums.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
We actually use to have a cover band! We also play a set of Yo La Tengo-songs once and that’s really fun. But really don’t do covers these days
Q: What´s the plans for future....
We are playing some concerts in Germany in November together with Electric Moon. That will be really fun! We also have a record coming out in the end of October, which is a session called “Papermoon Sessions” we did last year with Dave and Lulu from Electric Moon and Mogens from Øresund Space Collective. We will also into the process of writing some new material!
Q: Any parting words?
Thanks Guys
The three of us have played together in different constellations for many years now. We used to play with a singer, but as you can probably imagine – it can be very difficult for a singer to jam with instrumentalists. So when the last singer decided to quite the band, we started taking the processes of jam a lot more serious. Not that we didn’t jam back then, but now we had somehow come to the realization – that instrumental, jam-based music, was the kind of music that we’ve always wanted to play.
Q: Who are your influences?
There are probably a lot! Guess the experimental part of the whole krautrock movement is quite important to us. From the funky and intense grooves of Can to the pastoral psychedelicisms and ambient drone scapes of band like Neu! And Harmonia to the more freaked out jams of bands like Ash Ra Temple and Guru Guru. Then there is the electric Miles Davis periode. And there is the importance of proto post rock groups such as Talk Talk and Dif Juz. But we also just really dig all time classic rock groups like the Doors, Rolling Stones and Hendrix of course.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Ash Ra Temple – Join Inn
Cocteau Twins – Heaven or Las Vegas
Talk Talk – Spirit of Eden
Love – Out There
Harmonia - Live 74
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
We LOVE playing live! That’s what it is all about. The live situation can be very useful for us as a way to try out more improvised and unfinished stuff. It really means lot and it is difficult to compare the energy of playing in front of an audience to anything else. Sometimes everything just melts together – the sound, the energy from the music and the energy from the people in the audience. It’s is a quite unique feeling.
Q. How do you describe Papir sounds?
We don’t. Well, the description “psychedelic postrock” may seem fitting in some ways, but we don’t really think much about words and descriptions, since it’s about the MUSIC and about feeling the music.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
“Stundum” and “III” are both recorded in a house in northern part of Denmark – far away from civilization and everyday life. We spent a week recording one album. We also had Jonas Munk (Causa Sui, Manual ect.) with us, recording and mixing the albums.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
We actually use to have a cover band! We also play a set of Yo La Tengo-songs once and that’s really fun. But really don’t do covers these days
Q: What´s the plans for future....
We are playing some concerts in Germany in November together with Electric Moon. That will be really fun! We also have a record coming out in the end of October, which is a session called “Papermoon Sessions” we did last year with Dave and Lulu from Electric Moon and Mogens from Øresund Space Collective. We will also into the process of writing some new material!
Q: Any parting words?
Thanks Guys
sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013
Dreamtime with ECAZ - Espaco Cultural Antena Zero
Basicamente o TBTCI nasceu de um sonho, um sonho que há quase cinco anos surgiu na mente deste que vos escreve, onde, simplesmente eu queria escrever minhas impressões pessoais acerca das coisas que amo, ou seja, as bandas que idolatro, ou ainda, as novas que iniciei a idolatria, e viver assim é algo que sempre esteve lado a lado comigo, a vida é dura diariamente, percalcos, dificuldades, desafios e tristezas fazem parte do dia a dia, então porque não, desafiar a vida, e expor os sonhos explicitando mesmo que de forma virtual suas impressões!?!? E assim o TBTCI surgiu, humilde e foi galgando conhecimento e amadurecendo dia após dia, e naturalmente os contatos, entrevistas com ídolos antigos e recentes foi inevitável, e devagarinho tornou-se um ponto referencial pra muita gente, não que eu me gabe disso, mas tenho muito, muito orgulho do trabalho realizado, e dentre tudo isso, o TBTCI conheceu a Antena Zero, e foi uma história de amor a primeira vista.
Quase 50 programas já foram ao ar, programas feitos com imenso prazer, coracão e dedicacão, e surgiu uma forte e intensa admiracão mutua entre Chiclé, Tatiana, e Renato, e enfim o fruto de tudo isso surgira amanhã dia 19/10.....estar aqui no ECAZ e vivenciar todo o processo é uma experiência que eu precisava e devo partilhar com todos, sim todos que se interessam por algo chamado MÚSICA, porque a Antena Zero acredita que a música pode sim salvar, não salvar o mundo hipócrita e medíocre que vivemos, mas salvar a sua, a minha e a alma de quem deixar se seduzir e abduzir por isso, como rege nosso lema:
Isso é levado tão a sério por toda a família da Antena Zero que sim, acabamos por acreditar tanto nisso, que eis que amanhã o ECAZ vira ao mundo, aconchegante, sedutor, barulhento, sexy, inovador, sim porque este é apenas o comeco, porque nós não vamos para nunca, acreditem, jamais seremos calados porque a forca da música é muito maior do que qualquer pequeno ou grande problema que possa vir a surgir.
Eu pessoalmente, convido todos a partilharem essa experiência conosco, será realmente soberbo.
Até amanhã!!!!
Renato Malizia
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