Antes de mais nada dedico este post ao meu chapa Robson Gomes, guitarras e vocais do grande, digo muito grande The Concept, mas deixando o Concept para outra história (breve por sinal ok), e vou começar o post com uma frase do Robson: "A musica boa se renova a todo momento....".
Eu não só concordo como acredito piamente neste dogma, e para justificar esse sentimento, ou melhor este fato, apresento a vocês Dead Star Sonics, a banda de Nick Watts, um viciante e encharcado lo fi psychedelic sound, muito rock´n´roll classico, garageira 60´s mesclado com a familia Spacemen 3 e o Velvet Underground, impossivel não ficar pasmo com Original Sonic Blues, Spikey ou Velveteen, é grudento até dizer chega.
Ah sim, não há nada oficial do Dead Star Sonics e isso é o que instiga mais ainda, o tesão de fazer musica crua e nua, com amor e com conhecimento de causa, Nick Watts ganhou dois fãns imediatos, este que vos escreve e meu comparsa Robson, simplesmente porque Dead Star Sonics é foda!!!Ah sim, tomei conhecimento da banda através do proprio Nick via TBTCI, é um prazer sabe que o TBTCI tem leitores tão seletos.
E para deixar mais ilustrado e com maiores explicações, abaixo um track by track pelo proprio Nick Watts, enjoy it!!
Original Sonic Blues
I was going for a ‘Waiting For The Man’ vibe with this one. Trashy guitars, a pounding beat and two chords – it’s a good song to walk to. You should always judge a song by how it makes you walk along the street when you’re listening to it on headphones.
I love writing simple pop songs and then trying to mess them up and make them sound dirty. A great way of doing that is to make the guitars sound cheap and nasty. There’s a load of tremolo all over the middle section - I love tremolo. There should be more tremolo in the world.
When I was a kid, computer games came on cassettes that you had to load on to your computer. If you put the cassette in a normal tape player, it made these weird, random electronic sounds. I basically built this song around that sound.
Halfway to Nowhere
A simple, three-chord, trashy rock song. I normally use a drum machine because I record at home and real drums would scare my hamster, but this one has real drums played by a guy called Dan. All hail Dan.
I try to have as few chords as possible in a song. This is all basically an A chord. There’s a droning sitar in there too. Most of the stuff I do has some kind of drone – a guitar or a synth playing the same note or chord all the way through. Gotta love the drone.
Lord, Don’t Take Me Now
Another song built around one chord. I love Spacemen 3 and the way they use drones and tremolo stutters, and I was trying to do something similar but also make it a full, well-rounded song. This is one of my favourites.
Thanks Nick!!