domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Psychotic Reaction with Darker My Love - An Interview

Diretamente da California para o mundo, Tim Presley, Rob Barbato, Jared Everett, Will Canzoneri e Dan Allarie mas precisamente conhecidos como Darker My Love, comboio psych, noise, shoegazer que já tem no curriculo dois albuns simplesmente fenomenais, fora o novissimo As Alive as You Are, que já caiu na graça de quem esta antenado com o que rola de bom na musica atual, pois o album vazou e dá para perceber facilmente que os reverbs estam lá mas com uma cara mais 60´s ainda, aproveitando toda a efervecencia do Darker My Love, o TBTCI fechou mais uma classica entrevista com os caras, que dizem que talvez toquem em algum festival porque, já pensou???Coisa finissima.

***** Interview with Darker My Love *****
Q. When the band starts?tell us Darker My Lover history...
A. Well, Tim and Andy started the band back in the bay area. Then Jared and I moved out from Boston and met them through mutual friends. We started jamming and it worked. Will then joined on keyboards .Andy had to leave so now we have Dan Allaire playing drums for us.

Q: What are the band´s influences?
A. Lack of money, and classic rock.

Q: Tell us about the Darker my Love´s was it?
a. The gigs are cool we just kind of play our songs and hope people like listening to them.

Q: Tell us about the process of recordingns? What´s the difference between the debut and the second darker my love album?
A. We'll the new record is a little earthier. Less reverb and delay.

Q. What do you think about the shoegazer classic era?
A. I love those records and they were a huge influence on the early records. Kevin Sheilds was at two of our shows in London this last June. Pretty cool.

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A. I would love to do a John Phillips cover soon. Maybe "Me and My Uncle" or anything off "Wolfking of LA".

Q. What´s the feeling to record roky erickson´s classic 'She Lives (In A Time Of Her Own)' me is the hit of the album...
A. Thanks! It was really fun. I also got to meet and record Roky playing live this year and that was pretty rad. The Sonic Cathedral record came out really good. We're happy that we got to participate with all of the other great bands on the record.

Q: Which new bands you recommended?
A. Andrew Graham and The Swarming Branch and Nodzzz,

Q: What´s the plans for records, a tour, maybe one play with fire in Brazil......
A. We're Touring with Band of Horses in September. That should be fun. We would love to come to Brazil!!!We would probably have to play a festival or something to get down there...but it would be a dream come true.

Q: Any parting words?
Eat a Peach!
Thanks Guys!!!

Darker My Love - ST

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Ecstasy Symphony with Gas Solari

Seguindo a tradição de Spacemen 3, Spectrum e Spiritualized os ingleses do Gas Solari certamente devem ter sido submetidos a anos e anos de reclusão sob efeito do Play with Fire, visto o teor de viagem acida e psicodelica do debut com o sugestivo nome The Space Psych Trance, as canções são um convite sem volta ao mundo delirante do Gas Solari, tendo como cartilha as obras primas dos mestres Kember & Pierce o desfile de delirios atendem por nomes como Noise, Ascension I, Transmission, Then I Saw Her, Idol e por ai vai ainda com direito ao pagamento direto com um cover de Sound of Confusion, o Gas Solari certamente é a medicação correta para os que não querem remedios genericos, depois, não diga que não avisei, boa viagem.

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

Medication with Daylight Frequencies

Quando voce pensa em shoegazer psicodelico, certamente o que vem a mente é o segundo album dos Telescopes, o Nowhere do Ride, A Storm in Heaven do Verve, e logico Spiritualized, Spacemen 3 e Darkside, pegue todas essas obras primas e coloque o atributo modernidade, dai caia de cabeça nos britanicos do Daylight Frequencies e seu segundo EP intitulado II, de cara Upside Down, Down Side Up, pelo titulo já da para sacar a viagem que os espera, é isso ai, pegue os classicos mencionados acima e condense-os, uma odisseia contagiante para ouvir alto, bem alto, na real puta musica sensacional dando sequencia Light to Admire, climão Darkside/Verve e pode ir aumentando o som que é satisfação garantida, Seventh Angel Snake Walk inicia sinfonicamente em Spiritualized e vai crescendo como em Nowhere a musica , sinceramente, já deu para ilustrar não?? Não percar tempo, ainda constam mais duas preciosidades no EP Tear on Through the Sun e Sleep Walking into the Night. Se sua alma pedir mais Daylight Frequencies, consulte seu medico ou comunique o TBTCI que ainda temos o primeiro EP para aplicações aos mais necessitados.

Daylight Frequencies - EP II

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Ethereal Elegance by Dead Leaf Echo - An Interview

Elegância, talvez a melhor definição para a sonoridade do grandioso Dead Leaf Echo esta elegância aliada a uma absurda capacidade de criação de verdadeiras perolas em forma de musicas, poucas bandas na atualidade conseguem aliar poesia, shoegazer, pos punk sem serem rotuladas facilmente, mas no caso do Dead Leaf Echo a perfeição esta ao lado de L, G vocais, guitarras, baixo, Ana B., vocais, guitarras, efeitos, J. Parker, bateria e Christo Buffam, guitarras e efeitos, com 3 eps fantasticos no curriculo, Faint Violet Whiff, Pale Fire e Truth o culto tende a aumentar gradativamente, e para ilustrar um pouco mais toda a classe do Dead Leaf Echo nada melhor do que dar a palavra aos proprios, aqui o TBTCI coloca versões em inglês e portugues, cortesia do proprio Dead Leaf Echo.

***** Interview with Dead Leaf Echo *****

Quando a banda comecou? Conte a historia de Dead Leaf Echo.
R: Na decada de abertura da seculo de 21, depois de 9-11 , alguem entregou uma copia de Lolita para um impressionavel grupo de estudantes de arte. Depois de absorve-lo todos sairam com uma resposta veemente de informar o mundo da crueldade do amor . Dead Leaf Echo e uma dessas respostas.

Quais sao as influencias da banda?
R: Kandinsky on Phosphorescence, Malbec de Candlelight, Camus under Sunlight.

Fale-nos sobre os shows da banda...
R: Decibeis gigantescos de som ... empurrando Fender Twins past 3...vocais que giram na piscina do desejo ardente produzindo em serie conhecimento empirico da condicao humana... enquanto o mais profundo baixo, baterias e guitarras se entrelacam num ser musical.

Conte-nos sobre o processo de gravacao dos discos, qual a diferenca entre "Truth" e os outros?
R:Nos gravamos "Truth" com John Fryer diferente dos discos anteriores (que nao gravamos com ele). Mas tambem e' um disco conceito assim como os outros. E' uma consideracao de como todo mundo lida com a ideia de truth (verdade) em todos os tempos. E esse disco explora todos diferentes niveis do que significa e suas reacoes.

O que voce acha sobre a era classica de shoegazer?
R: O que e percebido hoje esta longe do que realmento aconteceu e foi digerido na epoca. Da mesma maneira com a historia. Toda banda daquela era tentou de uma forma ou de outra escapar do temido rotulo do olhar fixo. As coisa nunca funcionam quando voce desdenha.

Que bandas voce gostaria de fazer uma versao cover ?
R: Spoonfed Hybred.

Que banda voce recomenda??
R: Slowness de SF, The Sky Drop de DE, Me You Us Them e todos nossos grandes amigos de NYC, DC e Boston.

Quais os planos pro futuro... novos discos, uma turne?
R: Nos temos nosso disco "Truth" que sera lancado em Outubro pela 2&1 Records bem como um "7" "Half-Truth" pela Custom Made. Com sorte Brasil sera nosso futuro.

Alguma palavra final?
R: Voce nunca pode ser humilde demais. Nos somos apenas seres humanos nao deuses, as vezes as pessoas esquecem disso. Espero te ver em Florianopolis.

Q. When the band starts?tell us Dead Leaf Echo history...
A- In opening decade of the 21st century, post 9-11, someone passed a copy of Lolita to an impressionable group of art students. After absorbing it they all walked away with an impassioned response to inform the world of the cruelty of love. Dead Leaf Echo is one of those responses.

Q: What are the band´s influences?
A- Kandinsky on Phosphorescence, Malbec by Candlelight, Camus under Sunlight.

Q: Tell us about the Dead Leaf Echo´s gigs...?
A- Massive db's of sound...... pushing Fender Twins past 3.........vocals that spin in the pool of burning desire churning out empirical knowledge of the human condition......while deep underneath bass,drums and guitars intertwine into one musical being.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the eps, what´s the different between Truth from the others ones?
A-We recorded "Truth" with John Fryer as opposed to not recording with him on the previous records. But also it's a concept record just as the other records. It's a consideration of how everyone is dealing with the idea of Truth at all times and this record was about exploring all the different levels of what it means and the reactions to it.

Q. What do you think about the shoegazer classic era?
A-What is perceived today is far removed than what actually happened and digested at the time. Such is the way with history. Every band from that era has tried in one form or the other to escape the dreaded gaze tag. Things just never work out when your looking down.

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A-Spoonfed Hybrid

Q: Which new bands you recommended?
A- Slowness from SF, The Sky Drop from DE, Me You Us Them and all of our great friends from NYC, DC and Boston.

Q: What´s the plans for records, a tour.
A- We have our record "Truth" which will come out in October on 2&1 Records as well as a 7" "Half-Truth" on Custom Made. Hopefully Brazil will be our future.

Q: Any parting words?
A- You can never stay too humble. We're only human beings not gods, sometimes people forget that. Hope to see you in Florianopolis.

Thanks´s a pleasure....your friend Renato Malizia

Dead Leaf Echo - Pale Fire

Ok Computer with Whitesand,Badlands

Um vinil duplo, este é o formato escolhido pelo Whitesand,Badlands para colocar no mundo seu debut Seeding the Clouds conquistar por completo o TBTCI, com sua intensa mistura de tudo que aconteceu de melhor nos 90´s, indie college rock, shoegaze, experimentalismo, psicodelismo, um verdadeiro caldeirão em plena erupção sonora, as canções são longas, densas e climaticas, a massa de wall of sound confunde-se com teclados hipnoticos, vocais angustiados, montes e montes de Radiohead, Mercury Rev e variaiveis shoegaers são encontrados em varias passagens, na realidade Seeding the Clouds é altamente complexo e dificil em suas primeiras audições mas torna-se predileto rapidamente tamanha a perfeição de sua complexidade.

Whitesand,Badlands - Seeding the Clouds (link retirado a pedido da banda)

Dead Souls with Blessure Gave

Judged By Twelve, Carried By Six é o nome do debut dos californianos do Blessure Grave, eu tenho uma admiração absurdamente enorme por pos punk e gothic rock desde que me entendo por gente, e, vou ser bem claro aqui, o Blessure Grave talvez seja a mais perfeita simbiose do que aconteceu na vira dos 70´s para os 80´s, esta tudo devidamente condensado no debut dos caras, Joy Division em doses cavalares, The Sound, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, The Cure, Comsat Angels, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, um album verdadeiramente escuro, um espectro que nos remete diretamente aos 80´s, e se alguma dessas musicas fosse colocada na pista do Madame Sata naquela epoca, certamente seria motivo de adoração, The Cycle, In the First Place, Changes in the Darkness, Resting Place for Two são algumas amostras dentre as 16 contidas nessa obra prima recente do mais puro e denso pos punk/gothic, indispensavel para amantes do genero.

Blessure Grave - Judged By Twelve, Carried By Six

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Ode to Street Hassle with Floorian

Aumente o dial gradativamente, porque o choque ciclico é inevitavel, reverberações daquelas que tanto idolatramos, na tradição de Spacemen 3, Darkside, Loop, Telescopes, Warlocks, Bardo Pond, guitarras, guitarras, overdubs estourados, noise, lisergia, vocais abafados, shoegazer psicodelico, tudo isso você encontra no debut desta pouco comentada banda de Ohio, intitulada Floorian, o album What the Buzzing, titulo apropriadissimo para um viagem regada a toda as caracteristicas acima, canções com no minimo 5 minutos de viagens enigmaticas e densas, guiadas sempre pelas guitarras, uma ode ao deuses, o Floorian abusa dos conceitos da lisergia, não há como se livrar do album após os primeiros acordes de Or so They Say, a partir desse momento a porta de saida se fecha e faz com que a abdução seja a unica saida, até o apice estrondoso de Somic, não sem antes passar pelas dissonantes Aether Spill, Overruled e a catarse de Symptoms Alone. Somente indicado para iniciados, se precisar de mais medicamentos como este, procure na lojinha do Floorian.

Floorian - What the Buzzing

Cherry-Coloured Funk with Keith Canisius

Keith Canisius é um genio, alguem duvida?Esse dinamarques já nos cativou com o belissimo Rumskib e duas preciosidades de sua carreira solo Ferris Wheel Makeout e Waves, dreampop etereo fincado em Cocteau Twins, MBV, Lush e todas as maravilhas do que se convencionou chamar de shoegazer, agora nos brinda novamente com outra perola Openness Is Dreaminess & Everything In Between, EP que antecede seu proximo album já com data marcada, This Time It's Our High (out 6/9 2010), certamente sera outro daqueles licores a serem apreciados sob luz baixa e reservadamente, enquanto o album não sai, aprecie o EP, 4 canções com padrão de qualidade Keith Canisius, Okay Then Copenhagen, Openness Is Dreaminess & Everything In Between, Until We Have Sunshine In Our Hearts e Second Thoughts, colagens, texturas, vocais angelicais, guitarras em loops, ou seja, como eu disse, padrão Keith Canisius de qualidade, irretocavel.

Keith Canisius - Openness Is Dreaminess & Everything In Between

Perfect Needle with The Mayfair Set

O que poderia acontecer se unissemos o Blank Dogs e as Dum Dum Girls? No minimo algo absolutamente peculiar e com potencial a virar cult group certo?Certissimo, e isso aconteceu mesmo, The Mayfair Set é o projeto de Mike Sniper do Blank Dogs e Dee Dee das Dum Dum Girls o nome da preciosidade é Young One um EP para ouvir seguidamente apreciar cada musica ao maximo, alias tem que comprar, tem que ter no seu headphone, no seu computador, na coleção, em qualquer lugar, a abertura com Junked! já deixa claro que o projeto pode virar algo absurdamente essencial, e o album esta sendo concebido logo mais, mas o ep ainda tem outras maravilhas, Dark House por exemplo evoca até Siouxsie Sioux em estilo lo-fi dream pop, Let it Melt é shoegazer lo-fi da mais pura finesse, a fascinação do TBTCI a respeito desta pequena obra prima esta crescendo a cada vez que escuto as 6 perolas deste que é um artefato como disse, essencial em sua coleção. Um pouco de Blank Dogs um pouco de Dum Dum Girls e absolutamente longe das duas matrizes e perto de tudo que amamos, dai é covardia. The Mayfair Set, pode ser sua proxima adoração imediata.

The Mayfair Set - Young One

Lo-Fi Attack Again by Times New Viking - An Interview

Prediletissimos, vide a ode em forma de review feita ha algum tempo aqui no TBTCI, depois disso o Times New Viking virou objeto de desejo deste que vos escreve, os quatro albuns são absolutamente essenciais se você é fascinado por barulheira da melhor qualidade, lotados de distorção, vocalização completamente desleixada e muito muito lo-fi, musica para ouvir alta, alta para cacete, sem dó dos timpanos ou dos seus vizinhos, como sou adepto disso tudo, fazia um tempinho que eu flertava com o TNV até que, enfim Adam Elliot, vocais e bateria concedeu a tão sonhada entrevista para o TBTCI e o resultado é puro lo-fi escrito, não entendeu, porra então leia a parada, e se algum produtor mais esperto ler, vai se ligar que os caras adorariam vir para cá, e não é nada nada dificil isso hein.
Ah sim, dedico a entrevista aos parceiros da Pug Records, Last Splash e Transfusão Noise Records, grande abraço a todos.

***** Interview with Times New Viking *****

Q. When the band starts?
a: - the band started while we were attending columbus college of art and design. we figured out pop songs were a lot like the collages we were making at the time.

Q: What are the band´s influences?
a:-kiwi pop, the fall, dadaism, fluxist happenings, electric eels, the shaggs

Q: Tell us about the TNV´s was it?
a: - tnv shows are pretty much standard ohio rock and roll. lots of songs, energy, high volume and no pretension. we do about 20 songs in 45 minutes and can finish a bottle of whiskey as fast as the silver bullet band.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the albuns?What´s the difference between the Dig Yourself to the last Born Again Revisited
a: on dig yourself we were very nubile, now we have gotten a little better at our instruments but have the same attitude and approach.

Q. Define TNV sounds....
a:romantic nihilism. simple music made by complicated people.

Q. There´s a bit conflict between Sub Pop and Matador, what´s your rellation with this?Matador or Sub Pop??
a:we know nothing about the conflict. we are ohio kids, stuck in the middle of the states. we obviously have put out records on matador and not sub pop but nothing against that label.

Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
a: fleetwood mac. we are all obsessed.

Q: Which new bands you recommended?
a: eat skull, psychedelic horseshit, circle pit, blues control, wooden shjips. america is getting nice and weird again!

Q: What´s the plans for records, a tour, maybe one day playing in Brazil....
a: finishing a new record, touring with pavement and guided by voices in the fall. would love to play brazil! you know someone? my sister in law is from there, so i would love to play. heard cat power was just down there? talk to our agent!

Q: Any parting words?
a: start a band and stay off facebook!
Thanks Adam!!!!
Times New Viking - Dig Yourself

Girls in The Garage with The Blanche Hudson Weekend

Acho uma blasfemia não haver muitos comentarios enaltecendo o grandioso The Blanche Hudson Weekend que conta em sua formação com a adorada Caroline e também com Darren ambos ex-Manhattan Loves Suicide, o The Blanche Hudson Weekend é um "colirio" para os ouvidos, mais suave que o Manhattan Loves Suicide mas tendo o mesmo ponto de partida, o bubblegum das girl groups 60´s, o fuzz pop das girl groups dos 80´s, vide Primitives, Shop Assistants e outras e a dissonancia dos mestres Reid, acrescente um pouco de Galaxie 500 e tenha em 3 Ep´s simplesmente obrigatorios e fantasticos, Hate Is A Loaded Gun, The Letters to Daddy, The Rats In The Cellar são assim, recheados de perolas do mais perfeito, seleto e essencial grupo de bandas que devem obrigatoriamente ser idolatradas, não cometa esta heresia, The Blanche Hudson Weekend é uma dessas maravilhas que duram para sempre, é só escutar Noisy and Fury e perceber que o negocio aqui é serissimo.

The Blanche Hudson Weekend - EP´s

Fuzz Love with Big Troubles

Depois de algum tempo ausente, mas nada que pudesse prejudicar o bom andamento do TBTCI, enfim o que vale é que estamos na area, ontém fui ver o Fuck Bottons, e achei regular, as vezes parece que tende a estourar e virar um Suicide moderno, mas fica só na promessa mesmo, bom mudando de assunto, vamos ao que interessa realmente, essa beleza caiu como um pluma em forma de pedais fuzz, vocais perfeitos a´la class of 86, espirito lo-fi, shoegazer, surf songs, Pastels, Phil Spector, Shop Assistants, J&MC, Times New Viking e ai é quase que covardia não virar fã dos americanos do Big Troubles, que vem abrindo os shows do já citado Times New Viking e também das Vivian Girls, o que não é pouco, diga-se de passagem, os caras já tem dois 7´ no mercado e preparam-se para lançar o album cheio, que deve ser um espetaculo, aqui, os 7´onde é só deixar rolar e se apaixonar por Grey Dayzz, Sick Days, Bad People, Drastic and Difficult e Freudian Slips. Para lavar a alma e te deixar feliz por um bom tempo.

Big Troubles - Captured Tracks

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

Total Sonic Annihilation by A Place to Bury Strangers - An Interview

Sem muita bla bla bla, talvez a melhor banda da atualidade no que diz respeito a noise, shoegazer, indie alternative rock, post punk, ou o rotulo que for mais interessante para defini-los o fato é que o A Place to Bury Strangers vem destroçando tudo e todos por onde passam, as consequencias são, uma legião de adoradores e fanaticos, me incluo neste grupo, desde a estreia caotica com o homonimo ao segundo Exploding Head, Oliver Ackermann, guitarras e vocais, Dion Lunadon, baixo e J. Space bateria já deixaram explicito que são os descendentes diretos dos mestres VU, J&MC, MBV e outros que transcenderam os limites.

Aqui a primeira entrevista concedida por Oliver Ackermann ao Brasil, e notem bem, talvez o encontro com o APTBS esteja mais proximo do que possamos imaginar, leia atentamente e preferencialmente coloque algo deles para ouvir durante a leitura, certamente o conteudo e o resultado serão mais eficazes.

***** An Interview with A Place to Bury Strangers *****

Q: Let´s talk about the old years…what´s the best remembrance from Skywave years...
A. We all just got along really well and had a really good time doing what we were doing and weren't noticed for it at all. I think my favorite thing about those times were listening to the the songs that Paul and John would come up with, we were all writing songs individually and bringing them to the table so every new song was such a rush, perhaps of depression but really a glimpse of pure beauty.

Q: Tell us about the Skywave´s was it
A. The gigs were chaotic and at strange places. It was hard being in that sort of band at the time, it was really unpopular and we would often have people try to cut us off and shut us down due to the racket we were making. It is funny but now we would probably be a lot more accepted than we were at the time, it was really tough, we would make lots of long drives in one car only to find out that sometimes the venues we booked didn't exist any more or would turn out to be a hotel bar or something and they definitely didn't like us when we started playing.

Q: In your opinion what´s the best Skywave´s ep, song, album....etc..
A. I think my favorite was recording our last record Synthstatic. It took about two years of solid recording and mixing and we were doing it from our studio we built in Fredericksburg Va. The rent was something like $400 a month for 5,000 square feet and we had other bands practice there so the rent went down to nothing a month. I lived there and would spend most late nights just mixing and recording all night long. I think we really got the sound that we were trying to get the whole time and we had so many songs that the album could really come together naturally.

Q: Too many people consider Skywave one of the best bands ever and the reason for the ressurection of shoegazer....what´s your opinion about it?
A. If that is what people think, it was never our intention at the time to do that. We were just making music that we wanted to hear ourselves and what reflected the things we were all going through during those times.

Q. Why Skywave ends?Do you still have contact to John and Paul?I interviewed them in a some time here´s the link (
A. I think Skywave ended when I moved to NY, it was really the three of us that made the band and I don't think that any of us could imagine doing it without the other two. It is a bummer that it ended because I think that we were such a good match for each other as songwriters but I had to move to NY.

Q. Tell us when APTBS starts....
A. A Place To Bury Strangers started when a couple of friends were looking for a drummer for a band they were starting and I offered to do it. After one practice I got kicked off and onto guitar and then sort of took it over from there. I had kind of given up on trying to be in a band and "make it" so we were just trying to make music that we all wanted to hear. We had been playing shows for a few years in the US and forgone a few lineup changes but didn't really take off as a band until our first record came out on Killer Pimp in 2007 to much acclaim. That pretty much started the whole whirlwind of shows and events which have lead us to this point where we are today.

Q: What´s the fundamental difference between Skywave and APTBS sounds?
A. I think the times have changed and the songwriters have changed and that has influenced the sound.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the albums?What´s the difference to recording to Killer Pimp and Mute Records.
A. The first record wasn't even really supposed to be an album, it was a collection of songs that we had recorded mostly just to hear music ourselves and I always had figured that we would rerecord everything on that record. I even insisted that it be very limited in production so that it would sort of disappear and we would get the chance to do that. When we recorded the record for Mute we had a limited amount of time to do it but I really tried to focus on getting the sounds we wanted and creating forming the whole work as an actual record.

Q: About APTBS gigs, how do you feel playing live?Is it true that APTBS are the loudest band alive?I would love to hear your opinion about it...
A. I love to play live shows, it is something completely different that recording records and I think there is the opportunity to do a lot more live that you don't really have when recording a record. As for the loudest band alive I don't see how that could be possible, maybe wants to be the loudest band alive would be a better thing to say. I think the band is perceived to be really loud because of what we do with sound where we run amplifiers to the point of constant meltdown, and that sounds really loud. But we only have so much equipment and we can only bring our own equipment on US tours for the moment so we can only get so loud. Also I have heard bands that I feel like are louder than we are at huge festivals and such.

Q. About your recently gigs at Chile and was it?
A. We ended up only going to Colombia in the end and it was amazing. There was such a great energy from the people that it made us really get into the shows. Bogota is a really beautiful city as well and the people have good taste in music.

Q: Which new bands do you recommend?
A. Natural Child, Weekend, Grooms, Jeff The Brotherhood

Q: What´s the plans for records, a tour, maybe play in Brazil....
A. We are just starting working on a new record right now and hopefully will finish it be early next year sometime. We have a few small tours lined up but are going to try to focus on recording as much as we can, hopefully one will be to Brazil as I hear it is one of the craziest places in the world and that sounds like fun to me! We’re looking at going to Brazil later this year.

Q: Any parting words?
A. Kids go to school, old folks, listen to the kids.
Thanks Oliver....
APTBS - Daytrotter Sessions