Primeiro post de 2012, retornando com força total o TBTCI inicia o ano com muita ambição e inumeros projetos a serem tocados no desenrolar do ano e para inicia-lo em grande estilo apresentando em primeirissima mão o combo polones Karate Free Stylers dica mais do perfeita do amigo Tom Lugo, socio de carteirinha qui do TBTCI e para os mais desavisados dono da Patetico Records, casa do Karate Free Stylers e mentor do patrimonio Stellarscope. Por inumeros motivos a estreia de uma banda da Patetico tem a ver com os projetos do ano, mas isso é outra historia, e aqui é hora e vez do KFS, poloneses pos punkers com um teor de agressividade absurdo, para tirar o folego de quem estiver pela frente, o clima esfumaçado mesclado com o noise abrasivo de um APTBS é latente, as guitarras gritam, clamam por atenção, o clima gelido das canções vão se estendendo por todo o debut At Least We Are Able To Breathe, é isso pos punk gelido e frio, leia The Sound, Joy Division envolvo a area noiser do APTBS sem tirar nem por, uma metralhadora ensandecida atirando para todos sem qualquer tipo de piedade. E como de praxe a primeira entrevista do ano com total apoio de Tom Lugo, Sras e Srs Karate Free Stylers.
***** Interview with Karate Free Stylers *****
Q. When did Karate Free Stylers starts, tell us about the history...
Originally, KFS started about 5 years ago, when we were at school. I met my band mates, because with one I was going to to the same class for 6 years and with the other one we both had a meeting at our first rehearsal, because we were looking for a drummer. At first we were playing some cover songs, but then we started writing our own material. So we always say that "professionally" we started about 3 years ago.
Q: Who are your influences?
Our influences are very varied. Our bass player's probably favourite band is The Clash and he's rather into this type of music. But he also loves The Jesus And Mary Chain Me and the drummer are very into Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine. Bu personally I am also into Deerhunter and Atlas Sound and noise rocky type of music. I also love classic rock, blues (Robert Johnson is my god :D).
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
My personal list:
1. Nirvana- Nevermind
2. Sonic Youth- Goo
3. My Bloody Valentine- Loveless
4. The Jesus and Mary Chain- Psychocandy
5. Deerhunter- Microcastle
This list refers to albums that were inspiring me through years. But for me best from the best band in the world is Led Zeppelin! I also love The Beatles, Pink Floyd and The Rolling Stones. You should have asked me about top ten...or 50...or 100 albums
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
When I play at home I rather play acoustic than electric guitar and I prefer blues or classic rock songs. Why? For every type of music you have to get to know some basics and for me these classic songs develop skills, they show you how guitar reacts to your playing, to your type of sound. I play electric mostly on rehearsals and there I'm trying out some effects (delays, choruses, fuzzes etc.), but when I'm at home I love to play some oldschool Missisipi blues with a slide and open E tuning. These two types of my inspirations have different effects on me,but I'm always extremely happy. Music and guitars are my whole world. When I'm on stage, I forget about any problems, I'm free and I can do whatever I want. This is my place on earth.
Q. How do you describe Karate Free Stylers sounds?
I think that KFS plays rock'n'roll music heavily inspired by punk rock and first indie bands like Pixies. We mix it with wall of sound inspired by MBV. When people ask me what kind of genre we are, I always say: "We play noise rock". And I think that it is the best term.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the new ep?
Recording process...I think it was very simple. All songs were previously prepared during the rehearsals. Only "Another Dawn Fades" was finished in the studio. I recorded all guitar parts on my Epiphone Supernova Cherry Red, bunch of effects and borrowed Sunn Model T (probably 120 watts) and Marshall JCM900 cab. Our bass player was recording with his Ashdown 180 watt amp and Squier P bass and MXR bass Di +. Our drummer used his old green Yamaha Stage Custom with Mapex snare drum and Zildjan plates. We've done it in probably 4/5 days. Marcin Klimczak, who was our producer and owner of the Mustache Ministry Studio, didn't want our material to be overproduced. We wanted it to be more crude but also full in sound.
Q. What´s represents the shoegazer classic era to the band?
From this shoegazer classic era I think we only have this wall of sound in some moments of our songs. I think that this part of shoegaze inspires me the most.
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
Huh, I know many new bands that are awesome. I love No Age, Japandroids, Male Bonding and Deerhunter, but from these less known I adore Slowness, 93MilesFromTheSun. I can also recommend some polish bands: Kiev Office, The Spouds, The Black Tapes, Teenagers, Lora Lie. These all band are great!
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
I think that I would like to cover No Age's "Everybody's Down" and The Beatles' "I want You (She's So Heavy)". But that's my opinion. I don't know if my band mates would like to cover any song
Q: What´s the plans for future....
We want to make a Polish tour. We are planning it now with our manager. Probably we will go with our friends from The Spouds. We would als like to make some gigs abroad but unfortunaely know we can't afford that. We also think about recording our first full-lenght, but I think that we have time for that. And we want to be famous
Q: Any parting words?