sexta-feira, 21 de abril de 2017

Vacios y Variables with Pyramides - An Interview

No primeiro dia de Março deste ano, aconteceu o debute dos argentinos do Pyramides, "Vacios y Variables".

O disco passeia pelo pós punk clássico, sempre melódico e melancólico, mas sem pender para o lado sombrio, a bem da verdade o álbum me remete a alguns clássicos tupiniquins dos 80´s como Finis Africae, por incrível que pareça, o que de certo tem a ver com as referências tanto do Pyramides como do Finis.

Este paradoxo serve perfeitamente para situar a música do Pyramides em um espectro de tempo indefinido, o mesmo servindo para o Finis, afinal de contas o que conta mesmo é a música conseguir suportar o tempo independentemente de quando foi criada, neste caso o Finis continua soando atual e o Pyramides mais ainda.

Bela estréia dos hermanos.

***** Interview with Pyramides *****

Q: Who are your influences?
Hi, Facundo here (singer, guitarrist and songwriter).
We started making music (with pyramides) whle listeting to classic postpunk / new wave bands...Talking heads, Devo, Pere Ubu, Wire, The cure..

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
Chairs Missing (Wire, 1978),
Freedom of Choice (Devo, 1978),
Substance (1988, Joy division),
After Chabón (Sumo, 1987),
This is PiL (Pil, 2012)

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Its the best thing in the world, at least for me (Facundo) is the best way to erase the bad thoughts, at least for a moment. Its like a trance.

Q. How do you describe Pyramides sounds?
Pyramides sounds pretty much like a mix between Dream pop and post punk really. But we are ways trying to change our sound. Every rehearsal.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
Mainly, I improvise the songs at my house, record anything that comes to my mind. Actually I have just recorded a song, before doing this interview. Its sunday, so its the perfect time to have a beer, some weed and improvise.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Super 1 Mundial, Riel, Temporada de Tormentas, Atras hay truenos, Queridas (new album Heridas its amazing!!), El ultimo vecino (españa)

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
I think Leonard Cohen. He's my favorite.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
Actually Im already thinking in the next steps. We have lots of gigs planned, so we will continue with the album presentations and after that, we'll go straight to the studio and record the next album. I already have like 10 songs.... but I think I'll start from scratch-

Q: Any parting words?
hahaha not really. AGUANTE TODO!! jajaa