quinta-feira, 13 de abril de 2017

Harpurhey' Stories with The Bucket Hats - An Interview

Se eu pudesse voltar no tempo, e escolher uma banda para tocar na minha formatura seja do colégio ou da faculdade, certamente seriam o trio de freaks espanhóis The Bucket Hats.

Surf música de garagem feita especialmente para bailinhos regados a muita bebida, e outras coisinhas mais. Pura diversão se é que você me entende.

Agora, escute o debute deles "Harpurhey´s Stories" e tente não imaginar sua formatura, todo mundo chapado, aquele clima de baile freak e os caras que curtem beber, chapar, tocar e usam aqueles chapéus em forma de balde, ou se você preferir, o chapéu estilo Reni dos Stone Roses.

Imaginou? Então vamos pra festa porra.

***** Interview with The Bucket Hats *****

Q. When did The Bucket Hats start? Tell us about the history…
There are not to much to tell to be honest… We are three friends that love making music and that’s all, our name is because of we love wearing bucket hats and…. We have not a thrilling history, sorry.

Q: Who are your influences?
We have loads of them… from The Ronettes to the Black Lips, from The Beach Boys to The Smiths… Everything we’ve listened before, every single album influenced us.

Q. Make a list of 10 albums of all time… (we changed it a bit)
1. Rubber Soul - The Beatles
2. The Queen is dead - The Smiths
3. Up the brackets - The Libertines
4. George Best - The Wedding Present
5. Between the buttons - The Rolling Stones
6. Frank - Amy Winehouse
7. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band - The Beatles
8. Together - Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
9. Pop - Los Planetas
10. Where the heaven are we - Swim Deep

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Mainly drunks… hahaha if we have to say a word we’d say “alive”

Q. How do you describe The Bucket Hats sounds?
Vintage, actual and true. Exactly that.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
It was really quick. We didn’t expect that, we were going to record 4 songs in 2 days and we recorder 5 in a morning… was crazy.

We have to say that was a pleasure to work with Raul Pérez (La Mina Estudios). It was an incredible experience.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Pedrito LaDroga, STJ Click and K v e l e from Sevilla and speaking about rock bands we’d say Novedades Carminha and Twin Peaks

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
We’d like to make a cover version of a trap song, maybe Yung Beef or Pedrito LaDroga

Q: What are your plans for the future?
Play millions of gigs, record millions of albums and drink billions of pints.

Q: Any parting words?
