quinta-feira, 27 de abril de 2017

Blasé with Deep In The Ice - An Interview

Tão gélido quanto sua sonoridade, a ausência de informações sobre o Deep In The Ice acaba por produzir um efeito similar a sua música, sombrio, densa, cinzenta e como citei, gélida até a medula.

A coldwave dá o tom e o que se sabe é que o projeto é conduzido pelo francês Fabrizio.

Três singles em sua página no Soundcloud e algumas respostas esparsas, mas que lendo atentamente, uma preciosa dica é dada, existe um álbum, gravado, pronto para vir ao mundo, mas falta uma gravadora....

Permanecemos então Deep In The Ice.....

***** Interview with Deep In The Ice *****

1/When did Deep In The Ice start? Tell us about the history...
DEEP IN THE ICE start two years a go with two friends. We had another project, more psychedelic since 8 years i think and we need to change. So drummer use now a drum machine and keyboards.

2/ Who are your influences?
That's hard to tell few influences... We do not seek to look like this or that band.

3/ How do you feel playing live?
Play live is really good, we travel! No need for substances for that! A trip without traveling

4/ How do you describe Deep In The Ice sounds?
Like a cold melancholic trip ?

5/ Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
There is a lot of spontaneity at the beginning then we arrange as we feel it

6/ What are your plans for the future?
We recorded an album. We have just finished it ! We are looking for a label to issue it. Then we work now on the future live to play album's songs all over the wolrd (joke!)!

7/ Any parting words?
Thank you for your patience and for your interest for our band Renato !
