quinta-feira, 27 de abril de 2017

Season of Suffering with Shytalk - An Interview

Do pós punk a new wave, as vezes mais densos, em outros mais dançantes, já em outros, ensolarados, assim é a música de Copper Leardi ou Shytalk, seu projeto. 

Cooper também faz parte do combo Burglary Years, ufa!! O cara não para, mas por hora o assunto aqui nas páginas do TBTCI é o Shytalk, e seu debute, "Season of Suffering". Depois de inúmeros singles e eps, o Shytalk nos brinda com o disco cheio. E pra fãs de inferninhos escuros e esfumaçados servirá como um grande aditivo para passar noites inteiras dançando e sentido a atmosfera densa e oitentista entrar em seus DNAs.

E o pós punk vai muito bem obrigado.

***** Interview with Shytalk *****

Q. When did Shytalk start? Tell us about the history...
Shytalk started in 2015, as a way to satisfy my urge to have a project that was completely free from anyone’s creative ventures but my own. At the time, I was in a few groups and as much as I enjoyed that time, my life feels much more complete having only Shytalk and Burglary Years as my creative tools.

Q: Who are your influences?
I grew up listening to old disco CD’s my father had laying around our attic. I’m sure that had an influence on something… my education has been mostly in the field of film scoring, so many of my influences come from that. Debussy, Chopin, Philip Glass, John Cage, etc.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
1. New Order – “Brotherhood”
2. X – “Los Angeles”
3. Iggy Pop - “Lust For Life”
4. Morrissey – “Your Arsenal”
5. Joy Division – “Substance”

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Extremely nervous! Playing in front of people has never scared me, but when it’s by yourself it’s quite different…

Q. How do you describe Shytalk sounds?
I just try to make songs that remind me of special places and times in my life. I have a terrible memory, but a certainly can say I remember all the moments of writing the songs.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
I usually just think of something in the shower, on the shitter, you know…eventually I’ll write a melody and lyrics in my head and try to get that onto a computer. Lately, I have been writing on my Roland RS-09, which has been different. I love analog hardware so much…

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Soft Kill is pushing the limit in my opinion. Anything on Funeral Party records, here in America. Drab Majesty just released an amazing album. Also, John Maus, John Maus, John Maus.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
I always wanted to be in The Clash…

Q: What are your plans for the future?
I’m going to continue writing and touring as much as I can. I cannot enjoy any job I’ve had, and the only time I’m happy is when I’m writing. My band Burglary Years is touring, and I will likely be releasing more albums through my record label/blog, Radio 100.

Q: Any parting words?
Cheers, and best of luck in all your endevours. Thank you much for the kind words. -Cooper
