segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2015

For Ex-Lovers with Whorish Boorish - An Interview

Rebecca Lima tem uma história e tanto e não é de hoje que o TBTCI curva-se a ela, a história dessa adoração vem desde os tempos de sua antiga banda com Jonathan Beadle hoje no Vera Violets, O Drone Dimension era uma daquelas bandas que ao lado de gente como Skywave, Alcian Blue e outros anunciava já desde os primeiros anos desse milênio o que viria a acontecer anos mais tarde, resumindo o ressurgimento do shoegazer e suas variáveis.

O ponto é que o Drone Dimension sucumbiu por diferenças entre os dois, e cada um a sua maneira seguiu adiante. Rebecca então fundou o Whorish Boorish, algo como o elo perdido entre o Black Tambourine e o Pastels se é que isso é realmente possível.

Lo-fi sonhador, é o que se ouve em Poppy Tunes, disco genial e perdido no submundo dos bons sons, e que deve ser sempre lembrado e propagado. E não é pouca coisa não, o disco é grudento, pegajoso e deliciosamente pop.

Conselho, se você não é iniciado no Whorish Boorish, faça um favor a si mesmo, escute imediatamente.
***** Interview with Whorish Boorish *****

Q. When did Whorish Boorish started, tell us about the history...
I started recording dreamy pop songs at home in the fall of 2011, shortly after my son was born. I’d just sit home and write and record it. It began as a digital project and then I gathered up some good musician friends and created the live band experience.

Q: Who are your influences?
Too many to name all! Ranges from shoegaze OG’s my bloody valentine, the jesus and mary chain, to 60’s girl groups to 90’s grunge, riotgrrrl stuff. Anything noisy containing reverb, really.

Q. How do you feel playing live?
It feels pretty naked up there, I’m still developing my live sound, so it often changes. I mostly want to throw up but it’s getting better.

Q. How do you describe whorish Boorish sounds?
I call it whirly, dreamy, dirty homepop because it has a really raw, homemade quality to it that people seem to dig.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
Recording and being very comfortable with your finished product is a total rush. I’ll never stop doing it.

Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
I vouch for so many local bands. Really cool locals bands in Miami right now, so I’ll name a few for the sake of solidarity: The Gun Hoes, Wastelands, Ben Katzman’s Degreaser, The Jellyfish Brothers, Free Pizza, Keel Her, Golden Grrrls, Teenage Burritos, Star Tropics, Manson Girls, just to name a few.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
 I’d love for Sonic Youth to cover my shitty songs. Right now I’m covering a Gorgeous Bully song, he’s my friend Thomas Crang over in Britain. Totally shoegaze neo-soul vibe, and yet another excellent current band to check out.

Q: What´s the plans for future....
On May 2nd we have a double tape release party in Miami Beach with our friends The Gun Hoes. Callum Brown from Irish label Little L Records is releasing them both, so we’re stoked to be a part of that. Other than that, just make hits and tour, pretty much.

Q: Any parting words?
What are y’all doin’ for 4/20?