E a Austrália esta se tornando uma meca de psych, garagem e psicodelia, e acrescente aí toques poderosos de Mod também, assim é o The Frowning Clouds.
Psicodelia inglesa e mod este é o caminho que o Frowning Clouds percorre em suas albuns, transpirando Kinks, Monks, Who, Small Faces pra tudo que é lado, obviamente com a cara dos nossos tempos, mas se o menos desatento ouvir Whereabout o último dos caras pode certamente dizer que os caras são dos 60´s tamanha a ambientacão melódica.
Whereabout é grudento como toda boa psicodelia britânica da época áurea o era, e isso aqui neste contexto é especial delicioso, pegue-se ouvindo Propellers e sinta na pele.
O The Frowning Clouds vai certamente fazer seu dia muito mais feliz, acredite....
***** Interview with The Frowning Clouds *****

Q. When did The Frowning Clouds starts, tell us about the history...
A: We started about 5-6 years ago. Just Nick and I (Zak) doing acoustic versions of Velvet Underground songs etc. Its was really really bad. I went to school with Daff who wanted to join and knew a guy Ben who played drums. Just been jamming ever since.
Q: Who are your influences?
A: A lot of things. Musically speaking I guess all the old 60s pop/psych/garage, 70s british glam, new wave etc. Heaps of things outside of music can have an influence too, movies, books.. Just people who have done great things.
Q. Made a list of 5 albuns of all time…
A. This list is always changing, here's five that I like... T
he Soft Boys - Underwater Moonlight
Kevin Ayers - Joy of a Toy
The Move - The Move
Pretty Things - S.F. Sorrow
The Kinks - Village Green Preservation Society
Q. How do you fell playing alive?
A. Yeah it's what being a band is all about. It's fun and I like playing the songs a little different every time.
Q. How do you describe The Frowning Clouds sounds?
A. 3 guitars, bass, drums, sometimes keyboard and reverb and fuzz and wah wah.
Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
A. It's different every time. The album we just recorded (not released yet) was done at our home with a friend who came and recorded us on his computer. It was quick, cheap, easy and stress free. The Album will be out sometime this year
Q. Which new bands do you recommended?
A. Any of our friends bands. There's lots of good music around at the moment.
Q: Which bands you love to made a cover version?
A. We havn't done any covers in a long time and I don't really like doing them.
Q: What´s the plans for future....
A. Make more songs.
Q: Any parting words?
A."be your self, no one else, burn the flag"
Thanks guys