terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

Sanctuary+ with Silent Forum - An Interview

Diretamente de Cardiff, o quinteto Silent Forum, vem intensificar a onda densa e crua do cenário pós punk do globo.

Uma perfeita introdução a música dos caras é "Sanctuary+", trabalho que reúne os EPs deles. Pós punk cru, ríspido, sem firulas, indo diretamente na ferida, e se ela não existe ainda, certamente vai ser aberta.

Pense num Wedding Present sombrio, assim poderia ser descrito o Silent Forum.

Para ficar de olhos e ouvidos atentos.

***** Interview with Silent Forum *****

Q. When and how did Silent Forum begin?
We met through the internet 5 years ago and have been very close ever since! We were initially a fun indie rock band called How I Faked The Moon Landing before settling on a slightly darker tone.

Q: Who are your influences?
There's a real range, each member pulls from a different place including: Pavement, The Smiths, Everything Everything, Warpaint, Interpol.

Q. What are your 5 favourite albums?
1. Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me
2. R.E.M. - Lifes Rich Pageant
3. Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights
4. Meat Puppets - II
5. The Wedding Present - Seamonsters

Q. How do you feel playing live?
It depends on the room. Yesterday we played a DIY gig in a tiny room and there was a tremendous energy and warmth (both literal and emotinal) from the audience. Richard (the singer) is very much a "full body" performer, he can sometimes feel quite sick on stage because he does a lot of dancing/jerking about and drinking beer.

Q. How would you describe Silent Forum's sound?
Dark Indie music with elements of Goth and Post Punk.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording your new EP?
Sanctuary was recorded in Stubbington, England - a tiny village where the producer has a recording set up on the top floor of his house. It was quite strange to record such an intense record in a quiet and peaceful area. A lot of people move to Stubbington to retire.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Iglooghost, Jadu Heart, People Like You, Bonzai and Girlpool (kinda new),

Q: Is there a song you would you love to make a cover version of?
Arthur Russell - This is How We Walk on the Moon. That song is addictive, working out how to do it justice would be hell. YouTube that song if you get a chance - its a glorious, perfect song.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
AT the moment we are really focusing on writing as much new material as possible as we're recording an album next year. Its going to be surprsingly poppy - we are looking forward to subverting people's expectations.

Q: Any parting words?
Listen to our new EP Sactuary! It is everywhere you could want to listen to music.

If you are feeling flush you can buy our cassette tape Sanctuary+ at this link, it contains everything we have recorded up to this point: tinyurl.com/yanbwjcs
Thank you for having us.
