O OGR soltou seu novo single "Undone // Celebrity Ghost Stories" que diferentemente do anterior "Wayward // Riptide" deixou de lado os synths e o lado mais new wave concentrando-se em uma ambientação mais gazer, com uma nítida atmosfera mais soturna.
Uma certa diversidade entre estilos que de certa maneira se unificam em determinado momento, sem perder a essência, demonstrando que o Orange Gold Red deve ser muito mais versátil do que se possa imaginar.
Q. When did Orange Gold Red start? Tell us about the history...
I was playing in another band and I wanted a different type of creative outlet. Playing in a band and crafting songs alone are very different in the experience and the product. I mostly wanted that alone writing experience, which was sort of like therapy for me, trying to distill my thoughts and feelings into songs. so I wrote a number of songs very slowly while still playing more uptempo pop with the band. At the same time I met my cousin who is a very talented musician for the first time. We hit it off and went to the studio and started recording what I'd come up with the second time we met.
Q: Who are your influences?
I try to listen to everything. I've been dabbling in jazz so maybe that will make its way into the next records.
Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time
here are 5 good ones
new order - movement
Slowdive - souvlaki
iggy pop - raw power
Cannibal ox - the cold vein
Beach house - devotion
Q. How do you feel playing live?
Q. How do you describe Orange Gold Red sounds?
It's always changing, really. What would you say?
I just go with whatever is working at the time. Sometimes it's a riff, or a chord progression, or a melody. Sometimes I'll be lazing around with an acoustic or playing with synths when I hear something I like. I try to build off of it, loop what I have until I can improve upon it and mumble some lyrics.
Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Diary is a great new band from Brooklyn, snail mail, makthaverskan
Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
I'd love to cover a waxahatchee song, maybe "recite remorse." I've been a fan for years and I would love to be able to make people feel as much as she can.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
Finish my phd in psychology, record a full length, learn Greek.