terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2018

Azul Rei with Noizu - An Interview

E é de terras chilenas que aterriza nas páginas do TBTCI agora, o quarteto Noizu.

Sentimentos e cheiros noventistas são sentidos desde os primeiros momentos de "Azul Rei", a canção de abertura, que me remeteu diretamente aos prediletos da casa, o Velocity Girl. As guitarras, os vocais, tudo foi como se eu estivesse me teletransportado para os idos de noventa e poucos e toda aquela energia tivesse sido recarregada, mas aí, a sequência matadora com "Refugio", "Tune O Matic" e "Punto Aparte" chegou e arrebatou o coração deste velho amante da década dos excessos.

Bem, voltando para 2018, mas com o coração nos 90´s, o Noizu não é obviamente não faz nada de inovador, e na boa, eu estou pouco me lixando para inovações, eu quero sentir, e o Noizu aguça exatamente isso, os sentimentos.

Escute alto.

***** Interview with Noizu *****

Q. When did Noizu begin? Tell us about the history...
Well, Noizu start at the end of 2015 as four member project called “Muff”. After a while the vocal leaves the band, so Jhon, Felipe and Jano decide change the name to Noizu. We start as a three member band, exploring a noise rock sound. Few months later we decided that noizu must have a vocalist,a female vocalist. Francisca arrives, and we immediately starts working on a new sound thanks to her voice. After a year of exploring new sounds, we start think that we need a something more powerful, and that’s when we invited bruno, and again, we started working in a new sound, exploring shoegaze and dreampop.

Today we can say that noizu is complete as a band and as a friends.

Q: Who are your influences?
wow, we have a lot of musical influences individually, some of us comes from hardcore/punk and metal background, but our major influences are Swirlies, Yo la tengo, Wild Nothing, My bloody valentine, Pale saints, Sonic Yoth, Adelaida (Chile),Christianes (Chile).

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
1 - Desintegration/the cure
2 - Swirles /Blonder tongue audio baton
3 - Smashing Pumpkins/Siamese Dream
4 - alvvays/alvvays
5 – My bloody Valentine/ Loveless

Q. How do you feel playing live?
For us the most important thing when we play is have fun, enjoy the moment, we feel a kind of emotional liberation.

Nervousness always be there, but we are five friends doing the things that we love, that's make feel us relax and confortable.

Q. How do you describe Noizu´s sounds?
We think it’s like a noise pop. It’s a mix of distorsion guitar with clean moments and a pleasant female voice, we love that contrast. Also we explore a shoegaze/dream pop sound.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs?
We recorded our EP in "Estudio Lautaro" (Santiago, Chile). The process was great, it takes two days, recording all the instruments playing at the same time, this made the recording process more real for us, as if we were playing live. Then we recorded the voice and overdubs. we learned a lot .

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
There are a lot of good local bands, for example Paracaidistas, Las Modas Pasajeras, Medio hermano, Chico Bestia, icor, etc…

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
We usually play two covers to have fun and relax , but we’ve never play them live.

Las ligas Menores - 1200 kms.
My bloody Valentine – you made me realise.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
We want to release an LP, compose more and crazy songs, mix new sounds, but without leaving aside what we do. Play in bigger stages and do tours.

Q: Any parting words?
First of all, thank TBTCI for the interest in our music, and we invite you guys to listen to our EP on youtube, bandcamp or spotify. We hope to see you at some show.
