terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018

Fan The Flames with Girls in Synthesis - An Interview

Sempre que vejo imprensa suspeita ou hipsters travestidos de entendedores a indicar possíveis grandes bandas, fico na defensiva.

Dias desses li por aí que a banda mais interessante do momento é o Shame, que os caras teriam a capacidade de agradar fãs de The Fall, Swell Maps, Gang of Four, etc, etc, mas quando fui ouvi-los, logicamente que soaram mais como um Art Brut pré fabricado do que qualquer outra coisa.

Agora, se você esta realmente interessado em pós punk torto, agressivo, sarcástico e caótico, o TBTCI indica sem vacilo o também londrino Girls in Synthesis.
Pegue qualquer um dos trabalhos dos caras que você vai perceber o que estou tentando dizer. Os EPs, "Suburban Hell" ou "We Might Not Make Tomorrow", ou, o aperitivo do novo trabalho, "Fan The Flames", podem te direcionar ao que o submundo dos bons sons tem de mais atraente, enérgico e doentio.

Acrescente a receita a insanidade da Crass e você terá a dimensão do estrago que o Girls in Synthesis faz.

Definitivamente esses caras são não recomendados a indie kids e hipsters metidos e descolados.

***** Interview with Girls in Synthesis *****

Q. When did Girls In Synthesis begin? Tell us about the history…
We formed, proper, in 2016, although the ethos and idea behind the band was around for about a year before we started playing together. We wanted to create a sound that was relentless and unforgiving, without resorting to busy arrangements and noise for the sake of noise. We wanted to create something very simple, stripped down and with parts that of importance to the song, not the importance of the musician.

We self-released our first digital single The Mound/Disappear and started playing opening slots in London. Our live performances ramped up and up until we really found our feet about a year later. We then released our first physical E.P “Suburban Hell” with brothers-in-arms Blank Editions. This sold out very quickly, as did it’s follow up “We Might Not Make Tomorrow”, which came out about 6 months later.

Our sound really began to develop during this time, and we began playing shows further afield. That leads us up to the forthcoming E.P. “Fan The Flames”, and our forthcoming tour which is the longest we have undertaken.

Q: Who are your influences?
Lots, musical and non-musical: Crass, 1970s soul boys, pegged trousers, army surplus clothing, Swell Maps, 1970s disco, The Fall, cheap musical equipment, each other.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Too difficult, but I would name:
Swell Maps “A Trip to Marineville”,
Adam and the Ants “Dirk Wears White Sox”, “Tighten Up Vol. 2”,
Bad Breeding “S/T”
and The Fall “Live at the Witch Trials” as goodstarting points.

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Amazing… it’s the only place we feel totally free, maaaannn.

Q. How do you describe Girls In Synthesis´ sounds?
Aggressive, sparse, frantic, considered.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
We record ourselves, so generally, start with recording the drums in a large rehearsal room. We then add the layers of guitar and bass, then vocals, then we add what we like to call “additional production” on top… this usually consists of subtle but harsh noise that sits underneath the songs and is manipulated to add inflections of dynamics and pace. Then it's mixed and mastered, although the recent on ewas mixed by James Aparicio (Liars, Factory Floor, These New Purtians).

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
Bad Breeding, Revenue (RIP), Slags. Not many more beyond that.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
The Four Tops: Reach Out (I’ll Be There).

Q: What are your plans for the future?
We haven’t really made any firm plans for the future, but no doubt more recording and playing live. We’re hoping for another release around March/April 2019.

Q: Any parting words?
Be good to each other, be good to yourself.
