segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018

Washed She with Eye Floss - An Interview

Dois lados opostos tendem a encontrar-se sonoramente, e muito, nos dias atuais, o caos, e o desolamento, talvez ambos completem-se, talvez ambos sejam uma extensão um do outro, mas o lado soturno e obscuro, angustiante do pós punk serve como par ao barulho perpetuado por inúmeros artistas atuais.

Com este enfoque o projeto do Kuwait, sim, o Kuwait, que eu me recorde, o Eye Floss é a primeira banda daquelas terras, aos quais meus tímpanos foram submetidos.

E o resultado é a alquimia descrita no primeiro parágrafo. Junte duas obras seminais, Pornography do Cure e Synthastic do Skywave, e você terá a equação exata do que é "Washed She", debute do Eye Floss.

Cinzento, denso e com uma dilacerante sensação de que o fim dos anos esta próximo, o Eye Floss apenas indica que estes tempos escuros ainda permanecerão durante mais algum tempo.

Sonoramente é perfeito, mas....o futuro grita por salvação.

***** Interview with Eye Floss *****

Q. When did Eye Floss begin? Tell us about the history...
Eye Floss as an artistic expression was born late 2013, I was on vacation in Thailand and it just came to me out of nowhere that I wanted to start recording my music when I got back to my home country Kuwait. I was involved with music since a very young age, I used to play the piano as a kid and switched to drums during my teenage years and eventually getting into production and synthesizers when I was in university. I studied business in university so music was kind of my outlet at the time.

Q: Who are your influences?
I'm influenced by a lot of music genres from vaporwave to black metal, but growing up I used to like Radiohead and The Cure. There are other bands that I like a lot but I think most of my influence comes from within, I genuinely think it's unfair to me and my listeners if I'm too influenced by somebody and start imitating someone that I'm not.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Cocteau twins - Four-Calender Cafe
The Cure - Pornography
Tomo Akikawabawa - The Invitiation of the Dead
Animal Collective - Hollinndagain
Skywave - Synthstatic

Q. How do you feel playing live?
That's a good question I don't think I've made up my mind on that yet, there are instances were I absolutely enjoyed it and other times I absolutely despised it. It's really important for me to be in the right head space and enjoy myself to give a good show and that usually derives from being in an environment that's technically competent when it comes to sound, but I still believe some forms of music are not ideal for a live scenario. At the end of the day being from a small muslim country like Kuwait makes it difficult for artists like me to play live and expose the public to unorthodox forms of music, gigs do happen but they're infrequent.

Q. How do you describe Eye Floss´ sounds
Tremulous, Thick, Hypnagogic, grating yet cathartic

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
I usually come up with certain characteristics of how a song should sound like in terms of texture and rhythm, after I come up with a demo that could I listen to on a loop for several hours and not get bored of it only then I start coming in terms with how the song makes me feel and what emotions from within me gave birth to it, after that I start translating the sounds and put them into words (lyrics) that reflect the feel of the music

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
An artist called Tullond Men, He's a very lowkey independent artist that i'm abolutely in love with. Caerulea is fantastic too.

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
Cocteau Twins probably, but I've found that to be an impossible task because of Elizabeth Fraser's gibberish lyrics.

Q: What are your plans for the future?
I'm currently working on the next Eye Floss project I'm taking a different direction sound wise. I'm also working on a second album for a side project called Bloom Tribe.

Q: Any parting words?
Matchbox in german is streichholzschachtel