terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017

Eulogy with Softer Still - An Interview

Uma pintura modelada e pincelada por doces e cintilantes melodias sonhadoras, é o que pode ser saboreado no ep de estreia dos ingleses do Softer Still.

"Eulogy" passeia por por entre devaneios de dreampop sofisticações harmônicas, descendendo diretamente de ícones como Chills e Go-Betweens.

Especialmente recomendado a solitários e apaixonados sonhadores.

***** Interview with Softer Still *****

Q: Who are your influences?
We have many influences but to name a few: Wild Nothing, Cocteau Twins, New Order & Ice Choir.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
Tough choice, but in no particular order:
Nirvana - In Utero,
Ice Choir - Afar,
Drab Majesty - The Demonstration,
Wild Nothing - Gemini,
Big Troubles - Romantic Comedy.

Q. How do you feel playing live?
We love playing live - for us, playing live is where it all starts. Whether that's just jamming together, or playing a show. Sometimes though it's difficult when you're tight on time to do what you need to do in the studio, and then focus on live shows at the same time. The two are totally different crafts, often that you can split bands into two categories - "live" band or "studio" band. The really exceptional artist can segue between both worlds, and this is what we're aiming for. We love the creative freedom the studio gives us and we make full use of it, but also we try not to let the limitations of our live setup limit what we do on record, so that's always the challenge for us - figuring out how to translate what we've created in the studio on to the live stage.

We're looking forward to our first tour whenever that may be so we can really spread our wings as a live band and focus 100% of our energy into putting on the best show possible. So after EP2 is completed this month, that's our goal.

Q. How do you describe Softer Still sounds?
To borrow some words at FadeAwayRadiate - Reverberating guitars and swooning synths, gentle lulling angelic voices, an escapist daydream with a nudge to melancholy dwelling on the past.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
So far the process has consisted of us getting together at our garage studio where we will record and work on ideas that've been floating around the practice room. Often we'll record a basic demo, mull it over in our own time, and then come back and re-record everything as best we can. Once everything has been tracked on the studio computer, we'll produce rough mixes, each making points on what needs to be improved. Eventually we get to a point where we're all like, "Sounds great!", and it's at this point we send the track to be mastered. There's a great sense of achievement when we reach this point.

The process for EP number 2 is going to be slightly different though. We've booked the whole of February off so we can "hole up" in our garage studio and spend as much time as we need to on this one.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
The Mary Onettes, Them Are Us Too  and definitely Drab Majesty, we can't get enough of his new album!

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
We would love to do a cover of New Order's Bizarre Love Triangle

Q: What are your plans for the future?
We intend to keep writing and recording as much music as possible, play as many shows and festival as we can book, and generally just do whatever we can to get our music out there.

Q: Any parting words?
Thanks so much for the support and interest in our music, and thanks to everyone for listening! We'd love to come back and chat again when EP2 is finished.
