quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013

Grauzone with Jinko Vilova - An Interview

O tal do resgaste do pós punk tem gerado bons frutos, grandes promessas, bandas e mais bandas que ficaram trancafiadas durante sua adolescência ouvindo Joy Division, The Cure e outras e agora vem dar boas vindas ao mundo, com o ar gélido e denso de outrora, porém boa parte cai numa enorme armadilha, ficar a mercê de suas próprias referências e sucumbem-se facilmente geralmente já no seus segundos trabalhos.

Mas, na contramão desse filão todo o TBTCI deu de cara com Jinko Vilova diretamente de Barcelona, Espanha, os caras possuem as mesmas referências só que com um enorme e perigoso detalhe, o kraut esta inserido dentro do contexto, o art punk idem, e a cold wave que mesmo na época que era moda houveram algumas bandas que jamais cairam no gosto do público, como Grauzone, The Sound, Trop Tard dentre outros, e essas meus caros, essas bandas eram perigosas, tal qual Ian Curtis o era, mas Curtis se foi, e a obra do Joy todos conhecem de cabo a rabo, agora um Grauzone é algo desconhecido, e é ai que o Jinko Vilova vem, Gasoline, Nasty, abrem o seu debut, um EP daqueles que nos jogam diretamente ao submundo daquela época, mas veja, estamos em 2013, daí o troco fica mais perigoso.

O Jinko Vilova virou objeto de culto aqui no TBTCI e aos iniciados deverá surtir o mesmo efeito.

Fiquem com os caras.

***** Interview with Jinko Vilova *****

Q: When did Jinko Vilova start? tell us about the history
JV: Jinko Vilova started in 2010 as a band with some clear ideas about how to make music.

We all came from other projects and we wanted to try to make a band without established roles. All of us have a microphone to sing. We try all the ideas that we individually have and if someone in the band doesn’t like something he has the right to cancel an idea or change it.

The creative method comes from improvisation and the recording of all the rehearsals. Then we listen to it, we choose which are the best ideas and we build the songs from there.

Until 2012, we’ve been rehearsing and recording ideas just for fun. That year we decided to make an album and to perform more gigs.

Q: Who are your influences?
JV: Individually all we have different influences and bands that we like and we could say a lot, anyway there are some that we all love like Can, Neu!, The Velvet Underground, Television, Einsturzende Neubauten, Black Sabath, P.I.L., Sex Pistols, The Stooges, MC5, Joy Division, Caribou, Dead Skeletons and a lot more.

Q. Make a list of 5 albums of all time…
The Stooges: Funhouse
Can: Delay
The Velvet Underground: White Light/White heat
Joy Division: Closer
Neu!: Neu!

Q. How do you feel playing alive?
On trance, flying, like in a trip. It’s a great experience and it’s really special when you receive good feedback from the public and you feel that the trip you’re having is contagious.

We also really enjoy making friendship with musicians from other bands with which we play.

Q. How do you describe JV sounds?
Raw, psychedelic, direct and hypnotic.

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the new album?
We’ve made a preproduction of the album during 4 months. Then we recorded in 2 days at a friend’s studio (Wheel Sound Studio) with not too much money. All the music was recorded live in the same stage without metronome and the voices were recorded after. With the mixing process and the mastering it finally all together took 4 days.

After a year, the album has just been released since the 27th of may with our own DIY label Tomasito Records.

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
We like some local bands that we really recommend like Guerrera, Cuzo, Cabalgata Cosmica, Za!, Celestial Bums and Guerra Despues de La Fiesta.

Q: Which bands would you love to make a cover version?
We really prefer to create our own songs and we never make covers. Anyway if we have to choose one song right now we would choose Eisbaer from Grauzone.

Q: What are your future plans....
Enjoy making music, make as many gigs as we can, compose new songs and release a new album.

We have a lot more to show and the first album is just a small part of all the ideas we have. So we need to keep up the work in the band and carry on growing together.

Q: Any parting words?
Support the local bands that you like.
Thank you very much for the interview Renato!
Thanks Guys
